Back to School Reminders & Handbook
Attached below is the 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook for…

Back to School Reminders & Handbook
Attached below is the 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook for…

First Day of School Transportation Note
It is strongly suggested that parents send in a note with their…

Instrumental Music Notes
On Thursday August 28th, Mr. Corcoran, along with some of his…

Letter from the Superintendent
Please take a few moments to read the attached letter from the…

Staff Updates for the Upcoming School Year
Good afternoon. We wanted to let everyone know that the teacher…

Reminder for Parents of Incoming Kindergartners & New Families
Our annual "Meet & Sweet" event for all NEW Saint James elementary/middle…

Reminder for Parents of Incoming Kindergartners & New Families
Our annual "Meet & Sweet" event for all NEW Saint James elementary/middle…

Supply Fundraiser Orders Due Friday August 8th
Parents who plan to purchase their child(ren)'s school supplies…

Sweet Frog Fundraiser
Hop on over to Sweet Frog in Manchester next Wednesday (August…

Reminder: Order Next Year's School Supplies Online, Have Them Shipped to Your Home
This summer you have the option to order your child's school…

Reminder: Order Next Year's School Supplies Online, Have Them Shipped to Your Home
This summer you have the option to order your child's school…

Glastonbury Carpool
We have a new family joining us from Glastonbury this upcoming…

Reminder: Saint James School Cross Country (Grades 5-8)
As most of you are thinking of sun, fun, and no school, what…

Reminder: 2014 Annual Fund Campaign Now Underway
Several weeks ago all parents, guardians, alumni, staff, and…

Field Day 2014 Pictures
Yesterday pre-kindergarten through 7th grade students enjoyed…

$1.00 Dress Down Day This Wednesday 6/11
There will be a $1.00 Dress Down day this Wednesday to benefit…

Congratulations SJS Varsity Soccer
Congratulations to the the Saint James Sapphire soccer team (8th…

Reminder: Field Day 2014
Field Day for Pre-K through 7th Grade will be held tomorrow -…

Buckland Area Carpool For Next Year
We have a family looking to carpool from aftercare to the Buckland…