2024 Fire Safety & Prevention

Today our younger students met some real-life heroes as members of the Manchester Fire Department joined us to speak about fire safety.  In keeping with tradition, all of our Pre-K students - and several older students - also had the opportunity to try out the fire hose (a few are pictured below).

7th Graders Design Circuits

Yesterday during their STREAM class, SJS 7th grade students enjoyed a special lesson on electricity and circuits, drew diagrams, and built their own circuits with light bulbs, motors, and switches.  Great job Sabers!

Honoring 9/11

On Wednesday, Sept 11th, 1st – 8th grade students came together to pray the Rosary and honor the countless families whose lives were indelibly changed on this day 23 years ago. Pre-K and Kindergarten classes visited the SJS 9/11 memorial garden where they said a special prayer.

SJS Foundation Golf Outing

Thank You to everyone who came out to support the Saint James School Foundation’s 30th Annual Golf Event last night!!  We are extremely fortunate to have such a supportive community...

Back-to-School Mass

Today our 1st – 8th grade students enjoyed a wonderful back-to-school Mass with Father Marcin.

Kindergarten Playdate Fun

Thank you to the families, teachers, staff members, and student volunteers who joined us for this year's Kindergarten Welcome playdates. A special shout out to the incoming Saint James School 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝟐𝟎𝟑𝟑 as we get ready for another great year of learning and growing at SJS!

Have a Great Summer!

This post contains documents for the upcoming school year. Please remember students entering grades 1 - 8 have summer assignments that were sent home with students.

Last Day Mass & Awards

This morning we celebrated Mass with Father Marcin and, our new parochial vicar, Father Matt.  After Mass, we enjoyed an awards ceremony and then back to the classrooms to say goodbye.

Kindergarten Stepping Up 2024

Today our Kindergartners finished out the year with a special stepping up celebration.  Great job Sabers!

Congratulations Pre-K Graduates!

Congratulations to our Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students on their last day of school!  Here are several pictures from the Pre-K4 stepping up ceremony this afternoon.

Grade 7 Worm Dissection Lab

Today Saint James School 7th grade students completed a worm dissection lab as part of their Life Science studies.  Prior to – and throughout the dissection – Mrs. Oei  used images on the classroom Viewboard and a plastic model to help the students identify various parts of their worm including it’s brain, hearts, and digestive system. 

Field Day 2024

Field Day 2024 was a blast!  A huge Thank You to Mr. Green for organizing this fun event for our students and to the 7th graders and SJS staff members who helped run each station.

Congratulations SJS Class of 2024!

Congratulations to the Saint James School Class of 2024! Below are some pictures taken today – our 8th graders’ last day as Saint James students.

SJS 2024 Art Show A Success

A huge Thank You to SJS Art Teacher Mrs. Rafferty for all her hard work putting together an amazing Art Show for our students, staff, and families earlier this week!  What amazing talent our students have!

Father/Daughter Dance

Lots of fun and dancing at the Saint James School Father/Daughter Dance this past weekend!  Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped pull together this fun, annual event for our families!

Grade 4 Sea Creature Reports

SJS 4th grade students recently finished researching and writing a report on an assigned sea creature, along with creating a model of their animal using recyclable materials and/or craft-related items. Yesterday, 4th graders spent the afternoon presenting an overview of their research to students in the younger grades, including our pre-k4 students.

Rosary & Crowning of Mary

This morning SJS K-8 students came together to pray the Rosary and participate in our annual Crowning of Mary ceremony. As per school tradition, the May Crowning was hosted by our 2nd grade classes while...

Grade 8 Hosts International Day Showcase!

Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on an outstanding job hosting International Day today! In addition to turning in a written report and giving an oral presentation to their classmates, parents, teachers, and younger peers, the students also created/displayed maps, a travel brochure, a travel website, and prepared local cuisine from their assigned country. Great job Sabers!!!

Archbishop Coyne Visits Manchester

Yesterday, Saint James School (and our sister school Saint Bridget) were thrilled to celebrate Mass with Coadjutor Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne, who will succeed Archbishop Blair upon his retirement later this year.  With K-8 students from both of our Manchester Catholic elementary and middle schools in attendance, we filled every pew in St. James Church!  It was quite moving to hear so many youthful voices singing and praying together! After Mass, Archbishop Coyne visited the campuses of both Saint James School...