Instrumental Music Changes For This Week

Students in grades 6-8 will have band and lessons on THURSDAY this week, and Mr. Corcoran will see students in grades 4 & 5 on Friday.

Last Call: Scholastic Book Fair

As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day for the Scholastic book fair.  Students may make last minute purchases first thing in the morning, then volunteers will be breaking everything down.

Our book fair will also be available ONLINE through 9/28:

All books ordered online will be shipped directly to your home and any book-only orders of $25 or more will ship for free.  Please do keep in mind that online orders only earn 25% profit for the school, not the same 50% as purchases made in-person at our fair.


Safety Reminders

If you are dropping off a child in front of the school breezeway in the morning, please do not pull away WHILE watching your child walk into school.  You need to be looking in front of you and closely watching the crossing guard (and the entire crosswalk area).

The crossing guard was in the crosswalk this morning and had a very close call with a parent’s car (due to them watching their child and not the road). Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has happened. We really need everyone doing their part to ensure a safe start to our school day.

Also, as a reminder, we do not allow dogs on our property during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal (even when we dismiss outside).

The safety of our students and families continues to be our number one priority.  Thank you for your attention to these matters. 

Please pass this information along to any family members/caregivers not in our email group but take part in dropping off or picking up.

Fall Mums Fundraiser Closed

Due to the overwhelming demand and remaining supply at the farm, we are closing out the Fall Mums Fundraiser effective immediately. Mum orders that were sent in this morning have been fulfilled, but new orders will no longer be accepted.

Botticello Farms recommends getting to the farm by the weekend to pick up your Mums for the best selection.

Thank you again to everyone who participated! We sold 240 Mums, which is $240 for our school. We look forward to doing this fundraiser again next year.

Outside Dismissal This Week

With the gym being set up for the Scholastic Book fair this week, afternoon dismissal of K – 8 students (“Walkers”) will be outside in the Pre-K parking lot today – Monday (9/23) – through Thursday (9/26).  For families new to the K-8 program, outside dismissal is done the same as in the gym – with Kindergarten lining up by the grassy area and 8th grade closest to the street.

Please also note, you will be unable to park in the Pre-K area parking lot at pick-up for these four days.

Outside Dismissal has been added to the SJS APP Calendar.  If you “subscribe” to our full events calendar, the outside dismissal note should automatically be added to your personal calendar for these 4 dates.

Meet the Teachers Tonight/Wednesday

Grades 6th through 8th

This evening, Monday, September 23rd we will host our Meet the Teachers Night for students in grades 6 – 8.  Parents of middle school students (grades 6 – 8) are asked to attend without their child/ren.  Please report to your child’s homeroom promptly at 6:30pm (parents will spend a short amount of time in each classroom – following their student’s Monday schedule).

The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm on this evening as well should you wish to browse prior to 6:30pm.

Grades Pre-K through 5th

This Wednesday, September 25th, we will host our annual Meet the Teachers Night for Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade families.  Families with students in these grades are invited to drop in between the hours of 6:00pm and 7:30pm to chat with the teachers, check out the classroom, etc.  Students (and siblings) are welcome to attend this event with their parents.

Please remember the Scholastic Book Fair opens in the “big school” gym for shopping at 6:00pm on this evening and will be open until 8:00pm.

Please note, 50% of book fair proceeds go towards purchasing new books for our school library and classrooms! 

We look forward to seeing you!


Friday’s Cross Country Results and Today’s Meet

Congratulations to all our runners for an outstanding performance at Friday’s meet in Southington.  A few notable standouts:

Hudson Quinlan had a great race, placing 5th and receiving a medal in the boys’ 6th grade race.  Jameson Fisher (a 5th grader) also medaled in the 6th grade race coming in 10th place!!

Cora Tierney, in her first cross country race, placed 20th in the girls’ 6th grade category (she is also a 5th grader).

Maya Fisher ran a strong race, placing 8th and reviving a medal for her win in the girls’ 7th grade race.

Eric Ansaldi led the SJS 8th grade boys, placing 20th out of 150 runners, while Shea Boyle led the 8th grade girls finishing 18th out of 150 runners.

Great job Sabers!!

Today’s meet will be at Illing Middle School in Manchester.  Students should arrive at Illing at 3:30pm and the meet starts at 4:00pm.

Book Fair News!

Attention All Dog Man and Wimpy Kid Fans!!

You can pre-order the newest “Dog Man” (#8 Fetch-22, Release date 12/10) and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” (#14 Wrecking Ball, release date 11/5) books at our Scholastic Book Fair!  On release day, your book will be shipped to the school and then sent home with your child (or you can note that it is a gift and we can arrange for you receive your copy without your child knowing).  This is a great way to ensure your child has these great new reads while supporting our book fair!  Simply fill out the pre-order form at the fair this week to reserve your books.

Cherrydale Fundraiser

Today was the final day for our 2019 Cherrydale Fundraiser.  If you forgot to send it in, please do so on Monday.

Thank you for your participation in this fundraiser!

Book Fair: eWallet & Volunteers

Our Scholastic Book Fair is next week!  The easiest way for your child to make purchases at the fair is via the new eWallet option.  This is a convenient option that avoids children having to carry money to school and assists our volunteers greatly during checkout.  We strongly encourage you to sign up for eWallet by following this link.

We are still in need of volunteers to help at the fair on Weds, 9/25 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm (during Meet the Teachers Night).  Please email Alicia Poth at if you are able to help that evening before or after you visit your child’s classroom.  Thank you!