Mid Winter Recess Reminder

As a reminder, Saint James School will be closed from Friday, February 14th through Tuesday, February 18th for our mid-winter recess. We hope everyone has a fun and relaxing break!  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Wednesday, February 19th.

Reminder: Returning Student Registration Underway

Thank you to all the families who have already completed the enrollment process for Fall 2025.  A quick reminder that all returning student registrations must be completed by the end of day on Friday, February 21st.  After that time, we will begin filling open spots with new students/families wishing to join us next year.

If you did not receive the Returning Family Registration email or need a new copy, please reach out to Stephanie Holmes at Admissions@SaintTeresaCatholic.org.  You can also go into your FACTS Family Portal and follow the links on the right side under Apply/Enroll, then select Enrollment/Reenrollment.

If you have any issues with registering your returning student for Fall 2025, please reach out to us before next Friday’s deadline.  Applications for siblings looking to join SJS in the Fall must also be completed by 2/21 for planning purposes.

Thank you!

SJS Soccer Registration

It’s time to sign up for the SJS 2025 Soccer Season!  Students in grades 3 – 8 are eligible to participate and no previous soccer experience is required.

If your child is interested in playing soccer for SJS this year, please complete the form on page 2 and submit it with the appropriate activity fee to the SJS main office by Wednesday, March 5th.  After that time, we cannot guarantee a spot on a team.

Saint James School 2025 Soccer Sign Up Info

Parent volunteers are needed to coach and assist with the teams (no experience needed).  We cannot run this program without your help!  If you have any questions about coaching or are able to help, please contact Mr. Green at cgreen@saintjamesschool.net.

Please note that students will need the 2024-2025 Athletics Health Permission Form completed and signed by their doctor in order to participate.**  If we already have this on file from another sport (basketball, cheer, or cross country) you do NOT need to submit a new copy.

**If you experience a delay in receiving the athletics health form from the pediatrician by the deadline, please submit the Soccer sign-up form and payment by March 5th, even if the health form is not yet complete.  The health form can be submitted later.

Please make checks payable to Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish and note SJS Soccer in the memo field.

Screen Time & Early Childhood

Scholarship Opportunities

Below are a few opportunities for scholarships that may be of interest to your family:

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Essay Contest
For students attending a Catholic high school next year:   AAA Essay Contest 9th & 10th Graders


Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools (FACS) Verrillo Scholarship
For families with financial need, have two or more children enrolled in a Catholic elementary school, and are engaged in supporting their community (school volunteerism would apply):

Verrillo Scholarship Guidelines & Criteria

Fillable Application


Kids’ Scholarship Fund
Financial need based (SJS students have qualified for this in the past). Click link to view qualification details.



Valentines Dress Down Day

Tomorrow: Valentines Casual for a Cause

On Thursday (2/13) Saint James School students and staff may dress down for a $1.00+ donation to the American Heart Association. Donations should be brought in to school on Thursday and given to the homeroom teacher. Dress down attire must contain red, white, pink, or purple to match the theme.  Please remember all dress down guidelines from the school handbook apply.

It is time to order your 2024-2025 SJS Yearbook!

There are two ways to order:

1. Online.  To order online, visit https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks#affiliate and search for Saint James School in Manchester, Connecticut.

2. By Order Form. Complete the order form that is being sent home with your student today/tomorrow and return it with payment (checks payable to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish with SJS Yearbook on the memo line) to the school office.

The cost is $30.00 per book, with each additional book costing $25.00/book.  Please note that online orders will be taxed but orders sent into school will not.

**8th Grade Families:  All 8th Graders will receive a complimentary yearbook.  There is no need to order one unless you would like more than one copy.**

All orders are due by Friday, March 12, 2025.

Come Cheer on the Sabers!

Tonight, (2/12), all families and friends are invited join us at East Catholic High School as the SJS JV Boys basketball team team plays the JV Boys team from Saint Bridget School.  That game starts at 6:00pm.  At 7:15pm, our Varsity Boys Blue team will play the Saint Bridget School Varsity boys.  As a reminder, the entrance for the gym at ECHS is back behind the building.

We hope to see you there!

HSA Meeting Tonight

As a reminder, tonight is the rescheduled HSA meeting.  We will meet at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria.  We hope to see you there!