Hot Lunch

The Hot Lunch Calendar for August/September is posted on our school’s homepage.  Please note, 1st – 5th grade Hot Lunch is now priced at $1.95, grades 6th – 8th is $2.20.

Just a reminder that you can send in a check to start a Hot Lunch account for your child(ren).  That way, when they purchase Hot Lunch the money will be deducted from their account.  Please make checks out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program.”  You may pre-pay for as many lunches as you wish.  At the end of the month, a statement will be sent home so you will know when you will need to send in more money.

If your child is purchasing milk only, they will need to bring in their milk money in a baggie each day they wish to purchase milk.

We are continuing to work with the town of Manchester in an effort to implement an on-line system.



South Windsor Carpool

One of our families living in the area of Avery Street & Dart Hill in South Windsor is looking for another Saint James School family to carpool with.  If you may be interested, please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the school office for more information.


2014-2015 Monthly Events Calendar

The 2014-2015 Monthly Events Calendar is available on our website under the homepage link “School Docs & More” (right hand side, yellow links).  You may also download a copy by clicking on the link below.  You will be notified of any changes or updates via our e-mail system.

Monthly Events Calendar 2014-2015



First Day of School – K-8th Grade

Just a reminder to parents to please arrive at school tomorrow by 7:45am.  Parents should park in the Saint James Church parking lot and walk up to the school with their student(s).  Please remember to bring all your child(ren)’s supplies.

Additionally, there was some confusion regarding the supply quantities on the lists that were handed out at the end of the year and to new, incoming parents.  There was a computer issue that inadvertently removed the spacing between the quantity and count on some lines (for example it said “22-pocket folders” instead of “(2) 2-pocket folders.)”  Please take a look at the supply lists (also available on the website under the “School Documents & More” quick link) below if you have questions about the quantities.

2014-2015 School Supplies List Grades K-5

2014-2015 School Supplies List Grades 6-8


We apologize for any confusion this has caused.






Back to School Reminders & Handbook

Attached below is the 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook for parents and students.  Teachers will be reviewing all school guidelines with students over the first few days of school, however, we wish to remind parents of the following for the first day:

  • No make up, nail polish, artificial nails, or artificial “tattoos” are allowed
  • Boys’ hair must not touch their shirt collar and must not cover their ears or eyebrows
  • Hair must not be dyed, highlighted, or bleached
  • The following jewelry is allowed: one watch, one ring, one thin chain necklace with or without a cross
  • Girls are allowed one pair of post earrings worn in the earlobes  (Boys are not allowed to wear earrings)
  • Hair must be neat, clean, and well cut
  • Students must be in the proper uniform attire


The 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook (as well as other school documents) is posted on our website under the quick link (yellow bars on right hand side of homepage) that says “School Documents & More”).

Thank you for ensuring students are properly attired for the first day of school.





Back to School Reminders & Handbook

Attached below is the 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook for parents and students.  Teachers will be reviewing all school guidelines with students over the first few days of school, however, we wish to remind parents of the following for the first day:

  • No make up, nail polish, artificial nails, or artificial “tattoos” are allowed
  • Boys’ hair must not touch their shirt collar and must not cover their ears or eyebrows
  • Hair must not be dyed, highlighted, or bleached
  • The following jewelry is allowed: one watch, one ring, one thin chain necklace with or without a cross
  • Girls are allowed one pair of post earrings worn in the earlobes  (Boys are not allowed to wear earrings)
  • Hair must be neat, clean, and well cut
  • Students must be in the proper uniform attire


The 2014-2015 Saint James School handbook (as well as other school documents) is posted on our website under the quick link (yellow bars on right hand side of homepage) that says “School Documents & More”).

Thank you for ensuring students are properly attired for the first day of school.





First Day of School Transportation Note

It is strongly suggested that parents send in a note with their student(s) tomorrow – specifically new students and those in the younger grades – detailing how their child(ren) will be getting home on the first day and on subsequent days.

1)  If your child taking a bus home, please specify what number – see bus schedule below.

St James 2014 2015 Bus Schedule

2)  If your child is going to be picked up after school, please note they will be (what we term) a “walker.”   As a reminder for new parents, all children being picked up after school are walked down to the Saint James Church parking lot by the teachers and staff.  Please do not come to the school office or take them out of line before they reach the Church parking lot.  Also, please plan for afternoon pick-up to be very busy – especially the first day of school – you will want to arrive early.  Please get out of your car and meet your student(s) at the entrance to the church parking lot at 12:05pm.

3) Children going to aftercare on the first day of school will need a lunch from home.  When you come to pick-up your child, you may park in front of the school.  Ring the buzzer at the BREEZEWAY door, then proceed down to the school cafeteria, for aftercare pickup.



Instrumental Music Notes

On Thursday August 28th,  Mr. Corcoran, along with some of his summer students,  will present an instrumental  demonstration for grades 4 and 5 students.

On Friday August 29th, lessons and band  will start for grades 5-8 – please remember to have students bring their instruments to school.

On Tuesday September 2nd at 6:30pm, Mr. Corcoran will hold an informational parent meeting in the cafeteria for parents of students in grades 4-8 wishing to join the instrumental music program at Saint James School.



Letter from the Superintendent

Please take a few moments to read the attached letter from the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford.

Fall 2014 Letter to Parents-Guardians



Staff Updates for the Upcoming School Year

Good afternoon.  We wanted to let everyone know that the teacher assignment letters have been mailed.  You can expect to receive them tomorrow or the next day.  At the same time, we want to formally announce all the staff changes resulting from to the retirement of Mrs. Curry (from teaching 2nd grade), Mrs. Doll (Paraprofessional), Mrs. Thrall (Art), and Mrs. Maggie Blasius (Pre-K).  We are also saddened to announce that Mrs. Cruz-Gonzalez has recently accepted a position at a Catholic school closer to her hometown and will not be returning to Saint James School as a 4th grade teacher.  We have a wonderful new teacher who will be taking over the fourth grade spot – Mrs. Amy Devanney.  Mrs. Devanney is a certified teacher with a Masters of Arts and Education in Curriculum & Instruction.  She comes to us with a wealth of experience in a variety of school systems.

The other staff changes for 2014-2015 are as follows:

Grade 2: Mrs. Laura St. Jean (replacing Mrs. Curry.  Mrs. Curry will be staying on as Vice Principal)

Grade 3: Mrs. Danielle Phelan (replacing Mrs. Kulinski)

Grade 4: Mrs. Karen Kulinski (replacing Mrs. St Jean)

Grade 4: Mrs. Amy Devanney (replacing Mrs. Cruz-Gonzalez)

Pre-K Paraprofessional: Mrs. Kimberly Bevans

Kindergarten Paraprofessional: Mrs. Tammy Downham

Grades 1&2 Paraprofessional: Mrs. Cary Panciera

Librarian:  Mrs. Linda Carpenter

Art Teacher Grades K-5: Mrs. Kara Sabatella

Art Teacher Grades 6-8: Ms. Casey Boutot


We look forward to seeing everyone next week for the first day of school!