Hot Lunch

The Hot Lunch Calendar for August/September is posted on our school’s homepage.  Please note, 1st – 5th grade Hot Lunch is now priced at $1.95, grades 6th – 8th is $2.20.

Just a reminder that you can send in a check to start a Hot Lunch account for your child(ren).  That way, when they purchase Hot Lunch the money will be deducted from their account.  Please make checks out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program.”  You may pre-pay for as many lunches as you wish.  At the end of the month, a statement will be sent home so you will know when you will need to send in more money.

If your child is purchasing milk only, they will need to bring in their milk money in a baggie each day they wish to purchase milk.

We are continuing to work with the town of Manchester in an effort to implement an on-line system.