Entries by Saint James School

School Lunch Payments

If your family had set up recurring payments on EZSchoolPay (for the school’s hot lunch program), please follow these steps to turn that option off: Login to your EZSchoolPay Account; Click the “Billing” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen; Scroll down to Recurring Payments and select “Edit Recurring Payment.” Toggle “Enabled” to […]

Attention Middle School Parents

AN IMPORTANT EMAIL WILL BE SENT TO STUDENTS THIS AFTERNOON REGARDING TOMORROW’S LEARNING RESPONSIBILITIES.  Please be sure students also check their email again tomorrow morning. Please share with your middle school student(s) that they should be checking their email at least twice a day – first thing in the morning and again in mid-to-late afternoon […]

2020-2021 School Year Calendar

Below you will find a link to our 2020-2021 School Year Calendar.  A few important notes from Mrs. Zorger: One Page Calendar 2020-2021 **Every school year we are assigned two full-day professional development conferences from the Archdiocese of Hartford.  We have yet to receive those dates, so you will see them noted as TBD in […]

Attention Grade 3-8 Parents

Please make sure your student has added the following codes for Google Classroom: Grade 3- 4jnkyic Grade 4- mu6c3pv Grade 5- fzxkgwr Grade 6- rxmb5nb Grade 7- 2eointa Grade 8- cwifra2 Students in Choir- zhfsc4j

Wacky Hair Day

Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures for Distance Learning Wacky Hair Day yesterday.  We love seeing these smiles and being able to share them with our school community!

Families Invited to Pray at Noon Today

Wednesday, March 25 – The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord At the invitation of the Holy Father, Catholics across the world are encouraged to pause at 12 noon today to pray the Our Father. Following this prayer, Archbishop Blair will be leading the recitation of the Rosary, which he invites all of us […]

Wacky Hair Day

As a reminder, we are hosting a Distance Learning Wacky Hair day today!  If your student(s) would like to participate, please feel free to send us a picture to share with the SJS community (and, thank you to those who have already sent them in).  We will post pictures tomorrow.