Child Lures Program 2021

Tomorrow Saint James teachers in grades 1 – 7 will be covering the annual Child Lures safety program with their students.  Please EMAIL your child’s teacher/homeroom teacher this evening if you wish to opt them out of the lesson.

Child Lures Program 2021

12:05pm Dismissal Again Tomorrow (Wednesday)

As announced yesterday, Saint James School will dismiss at 12:05pm again tomorrow – Wednesday, June 9th.  Just like today, bus service will be available at 12:05pm for students that ride the bus and the after-school care program will be in session beginning at 12:05pm for students registered for that program. Lunch WILL be served prior to dismissal.

Students may continue to wear their gym uniform tomorrow to help keep them a bit cooler.

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow & Wednesday

Due to the continued heat expected over the next two days, Saint James School will dismiss at 12:05pm again tomorrow (Tuesday, June 8th) and Wednesday (June 9th).  Just like today, bus service will be available at 12:05pm for students that ride the bus and the after-school care program will be in session beginning at 12:05pm for students registered for that program. Lunch WILL be served prior to dismissal.

Students may continue to wear their gym uniform tomorrow and Wednesday to help keep them a bit cooler.

Last Call: Parish Affiliation Form Reminder

Just a reminder for returning Catholic families, if you have not yet submitted your Parish Affiliation Form to the Saint James School main office or our tuition manager, Denise Mayo, please note the form must be in no later than June 15th.

2021-2022 Parish Affiliation Form

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mayo at

Instrumental Music Notes

Mr. Corcoran would like to congratulate all the students in the instrumental music program who performed on May 19th and 20th outside in the courtyard.  All three bands performed well.   The following eighth graders received plaques for their participation in the instrumental music program throughout their time at SJS: Anya Avis, Stefaniya Barbieri, Anna Maria Bellamy, Brianna Flores, Greyson Grzesiakowski, Mary LaMonicia, and Michael Machewirth. Great job Sabers!

Tomorrow – June 2nd – the beginning band will do a demonstration for the SJS third graders.  An informational flyer regarding the Future Musicians Inc. Program will be coming home with all third grade students tomorrow (as a reminder, the instrumental music program is open to students in 4th grade and up).  Interested students may rent an instrument from SJS as early as this summer – the rental contact is due back by June 10th.

If you have any questions after reviewing the informational flyer, you can reach out to Mr. Corcoran at

2021-2022 School 1 Page Calendar

Attached is Saint James School’s one-page calendar for the 2021-2022 school year.  Please note that we are still awaiting a date from the Archdiocese of Hartford for an all-faculty conference in March, so there may be an additional day off in March added in the future.

2021-2022 One Page Calendar

Lost Items?

Memorial Day & Travel Reminders

As a reminder, Saint James School will be closed this coming Monday, May 31st for the Memorial Day Holiday.

If you will be traveling this weekend or at any other time for sports, etc. please note Manchester’s travel policy (which we follow) states that any out-of-state travel for more than 24 hours requires a quarantine of 10 days or a negative COVID-19 test to return to school.   If you will be traveling out of state this Holiday weekend or at any point before the end of school, please reach out to Mrs. Vignati (our school nurse) at 860.643.5088 (x3) in advance to discuss required return to school protocol.  Current Travel Policy.

As always, we appreciate your support.

Red, White, & Blue Dress Down Tomorrow

This Friday students and staff are welcome to dress down in Red, White, and Blue attire in honor of the upcoming Memorial Day holiday.  Please note that all standard dress down guidelines apply (please refer to page 10 of the 2020-2021 Parent Student Handbook).