$1.00 Red & Green Dress Down Day Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, December 19th, is a $1.00 dress down day with proceeds being donated to the radio station Lite 100.5 for their Christmas Wish Program.  In the spirit of Christmas, please dress in red & green.

Dear Saint James School Families

Dear Saint James School Families,

In light of the horrific situation in Newtown on Friday, we want to assure you that Saint James School does have safety and emergency preparedness plans that are evaluated on a regular basis.  Saint James School has a safety committee that meets throughout the year and we do have stringent plans in place (such as emergency lockdown drills with the children).  Unfortunately, Friday’s events serve as a harsh reminder that we all need to continue to be vigilant.

This morning, during the Rosary and Advent Wreath Lighting, we said a special prayer for “the families in Newtown.”  We are trying to maintain a sense of normalcy at the school and keep it business as usual for our younger grades today.  The 6th – 8thth grades were kept after the Advent Wreath Lighting and Father Cavanaugh did discuss with the Middle School students how, despite the grace of God, things like Friday’s shooting do occur because He gave us the power of “free will.”

Also, two members of the Manchester Police have been at our school today – on their own accord – to talk to Mrs. Kanute and offer their time and resources.

Mrs. Kanute will be sending home a personal communication from her to all parents today through the children’s school folders.  We felt this was the most appropriate way to speak to our parents – since not everyone in on e-mail or checks it daily – but for those of you who are, we wanted to give you a heads up of how things were communicated to the children today so you can be prepared.  Please be sure to look for the note from Mrs. Kanute in your child’s folder and don’t hesitate to call the school with your questions and concerns (860.643.5088).

May peace be with you and your loved ones during this time.

Pizza With Santa

A great big thank you to Manchester Pizza & Grill, the Knights of Columbus and Saint James School parent volunteers for coordinating the Pizza With Santa event on Sunday!  We had a great turnout and the kids and parents seemed to have a great time.


Tonight's Middle School Dance

Please note, St. Bridget will be collecting non-perishable items at the Middle School Dance tonight, Friday, December 14.

2012-2013 Middle School Dance Permission Slip

Tonight’s Middle School Dance

Please note, St. Bridget will be collecting non-perishable items at the Middle School Dance tonight, Friday, December 14.

2012-2013 Middle School Dance Permission Slip

Saturday's Celebration of Sharing Cancelled / Sunday's Pizza With Santa Is On!

Just a reminder that Saturday’s Celebration of Sharing has been cancelled and instead, we are  joining the Knights of Columbus, who are sponsoring “Pizza With Santa” this Sunday (December 16th) from 1:30pm – 4:30pm in the Saint James Church Basement (RSVPs forms were due yesterday).

If you have any questions about the Pizza With Santa event, please contact Mary Ann Creamer at margy@att.com or you can e-mail info@saintjamesschool.net.  Also, should any parents wish to bring a dessert to share (cookies, etc), there will be a small dessert table set up.  We will also have a table where we will be selling the remaining Saint James School spirit wear (cash/check).

We look forward to seeing you there!




Saturday’s Celebration of Sharing Cancelled / Sunday’s Pizza With Santa Is On!

Just a reminder that Saturday’s Celebration of Sharing has been cancelled and instead, we are  joining the Knights of Columbus, who are sponsoring “Pizza With Santa” this Sunday (December 16th) from 1:30pm – 4:30pm in the Saint James Church Basement (RSVPs forms were due yesterday).

If you have any questions about the Pizza With Santa event, please contact Mary Ann Creamer at margy@att.com or you can e-mail info@saintjamesschool.net.  Also, should any parents wish to bring a dessert to share (cookies, etc), there will be a small dessert table set up.  We will also have a table where we will be selling the remaining Saint James School spirit wear (cash/check).

We look forward to seeing you there!




Friday's School Pick-Up – Important!

Please note, there will be a wedding going on at Saint James Church at 2:00pm tomorrow – Friday, December 14th.

If you pick-up your child(ren) at the end of the day, parking will be limited to the Saint James Church Main parking lot only.  We ask that you do NOT park in the area behind the rectory (double car spots near the church) or in the spots behind the church (right off of St. James Street).  You will not be able to enter the parking lot from St. James Street.  Instead, we ask all parents to enter the parking lot through the main entrance on Park Street.

Thank you for your corporation.

Friday’s School Pick-Up – Important!

Please note, there will be a wedding going on at Saint James Church at 2:00pm tomorrow – Friday, December 14th.

If you pick-up your child(ren) at the end of the day, parking will be limited to the Saint James Church Main parking lot only.  We ask that you do NOT park in the area behind the rectory (double car spots near the church) or in the spots behind the church (right off of St. James Street).  You will not be able to enter the parking lot from St. James Street.  Instead, we ask all parents to enter the parking lot through the main entrance on Park Street.

Thank you for your corporation.

Saint James School In Yesterday's JI

Some of our third graders were featured in the “Out & About” section of yesterday’s Journal Inquirer.  The text was slightly abridged, so here is the full version, along with the picture that was in the paper:

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, third Graders at Saint James School adopted the name of a historic Native American which they have been using in class all month long.  The students also weaved headbands to wear and have completed a research paper on their Native American namesake to share with the class.

Pictured are (Back L to R) Geronimo (Peyton Carpenter), Susan LaFleshe (MaKenzi Pelletier), Sitting Bull (Kevin McCarthy), Wilma Mankiller (Tahlia Crowley);  (Front L to R) Tonita Pena (Isis Edwards), Plenty Coups (Kevin Zaluda), Maria Tallchief (Emma St. Jean) and Chief Joseph (Jaideep Naik).