Bingo! Fun

The State of the School address & Internet/Online Safety Presentation is next Tuesday, October 15th and the HSA will keep your kids busy so you can go!!  We will host a fun time in the cafeteria for any SJS student whose parents are at the presentation.  We plan to play BINGO (there will be prizes!), color, and play some fun word games.  A small snack will be served.  Parents can drop children off as early as 5:45 (please sign them in at the cafeteria entrance) and pick them up at the conclusion of the presentation.

Please sign up by this Friday, Oct 11th using the link below so we will have an estimate of how many kids to expect, but drop-ins are also welcome.  Please contact parent volunteer Kristen Miller at if you have questions.

Reminder: Main Office Voice Mail

If you are calling in to the school office to CHANGE where your child is going at afternoon dismissal, please make sure you speak to a LIVE person so we can ensure that message gets relayed to the teacher/student.

If you call the SJS Office during school hours and get our voicemail please try back instead of leaving a message if your message is time-sensitive.  Unfortunately we have had instances where messages left on the main office voicemail did not record and, as such, we never received it.

We will be addressing this with the phone company to see if there is an issue with our system, but important messages are always best relayed to a live person.  At least one person is always in the main office to answer calls during school hours.  If you reach our voice mail, it just means our office staff is on another line.

Messages that are not of an urgent nature may be left on voice mail but feel free to follow up with an email to Mrs. Sager at if you wish.

Thank you.


Cross Country Meet Tomorrow

As a reminder, the Cross Country Team will be racing tomorrow – Wednesday, October 9th – Vernon Center Middle School (this is INSTEAD of Thursday at Elizabeth Park).  Students should please arrive at 3:30pm to walk the course and stretch. Race begins at 4:00pm.

This Saturday, October 12th, is the Wickham Park Invitational.  Participating runners should arrive at 8:00am to stretch and walk the course. Boys’ race at 9:00am, Girls’ race at 9:25am.

Please note there is a CASH charge to park at Wickham Park.

Dress Down Thank You!

Thank you to all the SJS students and staff who participated in our St. Francis-inspired $1.00 Dress Down Day on Friday.  Together we raised $386 to will benefit the installation of raised beds and the planting of bulbs, both of which will tie in with upcoming science lessons for our students.


Szopka Club RSVPs Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, students in grades 4-8 interested in the Szopka Club should have their letter of interest in to their homeroom teacher by tomorrow.

You can read the original post HERE.

Basketball Open Gyms Tomorrow Night

As a reminder, the following Basketball Open Gyms are scheduled for tomorrow evening.  Students must have their 2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form on file with the school by tomorrow morning to participate.

GIRLS in grades 5 – 8: October 8th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm

BOYS in grades 7 & 8: October 8th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm

The SJS Basketball Permission Slip and SJS Athlete Character Contract  are due to the school by October 18th.

Aftercare Statements Ready

The September Extended Day statements are now available for pick-up from Ms. Jean.  Please be sure to grab yours next time you pick up your child from aftercare.

Important Notice From Mrs. Zorger

October 4, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians of Saint James School Students,

This morning, the Manchester Police Department Traffic Supervisor came to school due to a safety concern brought to his attention regarding morning traffic and illegal parking.  He was alerted that many of the drivers coming to school in the morning and afternoon are not obeying the traffic signs posted.  Drivers are parking in “No Parking” areas, idling in crosswalks, and dropping their children off in intersections.

I have been advised by the Police Department and by the Traffic Engineer that our school’s parents need to obey the traffic laws.  Therefore, I am meeting with them next week and creating a plan that they are requiring for me to have all my families sign off on, acknowledging receipt and understanding of the procedures.

Parking and drop-off on Otis Street tends to be an issue with our drivers.  There is no parking on the East side of the street and there are No Parking signs there to remind drivers of this.  Cars cannot be parked or pulled over (this includes “jumping” out of the car to walk your child to the crosswalk or getting your child’s back pack on) from the “No Parking” sign to the intersection.  Drivers are parking there and creating significant safety issues for walkers in the crosswalk and for traffic turning off of Park Street onto Otis Street.

I would like to remind you that your BEST option is parking at St. James Church parking lot and walking your child up to school.  There is plenty of parking there and we have a crossing guard to assist crossing the intersection.

In front of the gym is only for morning drop-off.  We cannot have cars parked there at any time during drop-off or pick-up in the afternoon.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs and our communicated procedures is absolutely necessary.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. Zorger

Boys Basketball – Additional Dates Added

6th Grade Boys: Open Gym sessions Sunday 10/13 and 10/20 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm;

7th & 8th Grade Boys: Monday 10/14 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm;

4th & 5th Grade Boys: Player evaluations and team selections on Saturday 10/26 from 10:00am -12:00pm.  All interested players should attend to be placed on a team;

7th & 8th Grade Boys Varsity Tryouts: Sunday 10/27 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Please remember no players can attend any session without the 2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form being on file with the school.

The SJS Basketball Permission Slip and SJS Athlete Character Contract  are due to the school by October 18th.

As a reminder, the following Basketball Open Gyms are scheduled for next week.  Students must have their 2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form on file with the school by October 7th to participate.

GIRLS in grades 5 – 8: October 8th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm

BOYS in grades 7 & 8: October 8th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm




Cross Country Update

Our Cross Country team had another fantastic meet yesterday against Timothy Edwards and Sage Park.

For the boys, Evan Ansaldi came in 3rd out of 75 runners, followed closely by Erik in 6th place.  Bradley Bushnell and Alejandro Oyewole came in 21st and 34th to secure a 2nd place finish for the Sabers.  For the girls, Maya Fisher placed 2nd out of 47 runners, followed by Sarah Christina in 6th, Sammy Creamer in 9th, and Cora Tierney in 24th.  Unfortunately we didn’t have enough girls running to formally place in the meet.

Thank you to Mrs. Christina for sending some great pictures from yesterday’s meet.

This coming Monday (October 7th) the cross country team will practice after school from 2:05pm to 3:30pm as scheduled.

Schedule Change:

The team will race again on Wednesday, October 9th at Vernon Center Middle School INSTEAD of Thursday at Elizabeth Park in West Hartford.  We have made this change to our Cross Country Calendar so if you are subscribed, it should automatically update this in your calendar.

Next Saturday, October 12th, is the Wickham Park Invitational (8:00am arrival).