Attention Remote Learners

Just a reminder to our remote learner families that students need to be logged in to their class by 8:00am to be counted as attending school.  We are starting to see students arrive “late” which is disruptive to the class and the classroom routine.

Also, for our remote learners in the upper grades, the teachers will be providing a half-day schedule for you to follow on Tuesday.  Please make sure you are in receipt of that prior to Tuesday morning.

Virtual Mass for this Weekend

Here is the link to the Saint James Parish Mass for Sunday, September 27th, 2020.



More Apple Fun in Pre-K

Continuing the apple theme this morning – Pre-K3s made fingerprint apple trees; Pre-K4s learned about Johnny Appleseed and enjoyed an apple scavenger hunt outside. Here are a few pictures of the fun:

Cherrydale Fundraiser Turn in Day Tomorrow

If your child has any tickets for the Cherrydale “Oinksterz” prizes, please send them in with your child tomorrow.  Tickets will be processed and “Oinksterz” will be sent home early next week.

Pre-K4 Fun!

Our Pre-K4 classes are off to a great start! Here are some pictures from this morning:

Reminder: Beginning Band Tomorrow

Beginning band students please remember to bring your instruments to school tomorrow.

Fall Fundraiser

Hopefully by now everyone has registered their student(s) for our Cherrydale Fall Fundraiser.  Please note when registering, our school is listed in the drop down as “St James School – Manchester 06040-5996” (you need to type it with no period after the “St” to get it to populate).

Here is a short video you can watch with some helpful information about registering and tracking sales and prizes:

And, here is a fun video you can watch with your student(s) about the Oinksterz prizes:

Our first “Oinksterz” coupon turn in day is this Friday, 9/25.

Fall Fundraiser

All students (PreK-Grade 8) should have come home yesterday with our fall fundraiser packet from Cherrydale Fundraising.  This catalog-based fundraiser offers a wide-range of items including wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets, home decor, candles, cookies, cakes, and candy — there is something for everyone!

This year, all sales should be done online at  Please note our school is listed in the drop down as “St James School – Manchester 06040-5996” (you need to type it with no period after the “St” to get it to populate).


At the end of the fundraiser, students will earn prizes based on the total number of items sold.  In addition, throughout the sale, there are 3 chances to earn extra incentives.  Turn-in dates for “Oinksterz” incentives are:

Friday, September 25th

Friday, October 2nd

Wednesday, October 7th

On these dates, send your child to school with the “Oinkster” coupon on the back of the incentives color brochure in the fundraising packet.  The incentive will be processed and sent home with your child on the next school day.

This fundraiser is one of our most successful of the year and we appreciate your participation!  If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our school’s fundraising Chair, Kate Davis, at

Hot Lunch Change

Tomorrow’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Maple Glazed Pancakes with Sweet Potato Fries.

Reminder: Advanced Band Tomorrow

As a reminder, the Advanced Band students will be practicing on Wednesdays this year.  Please remember to bring your instruments to school tomorrow.