HSA Meeting Tomorrow Night
A quick reminder that the March Home & School Association meeting will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. This was rescheduled from last week. We hope to see you there!
Attn: Parents of Gr 5 & 7 Girls, Gr 8 Boys
Each school year scoliosis screenings are conducted by the school nurse, with permission from a parent/guardian, for girls in grades 5 & 7 and boys in grade 8.
Yesterday Mrs. Pennington sent home the permission letters with students in these grades who have NOT already submitted an updated health physical form, showing a scoliosis screening was done within the past year.
If your child brought home a scoliosis screening letter, please complete the information – indicating whether or not you give permission for your student to be screened – and have your student return it to the school as soon as possible.
Please direct any questions to Mrs. Pennington at kpennington@mpspride.org, or 860.643.5088 option 4.
Tomorrow: JV Basketball Player Luncheon
Tomorrow, Tuesday (3/11), our 6th grade boys JV basketball players and 4th – 6th grade girls JV basketball players (and their coaches) will celebrate the end of their season with a special luncheon during school hours. Pizza will be provided so students will NOT need a lunch from home on Tuesday.
Please note, students on these 2 JV teams should wear their SJS basketball jersey to school on Tuesday (must have a shirt under it) along with their gym pants. After Tuesday, please wash your player’s uniform and send it back to school in a baggie labeled with their name.
2nd Grade STEM Club
There will be a session of STEM Club for students in Grade 2 on Monday, March 17. If your child would like to attend, please complete and return the attached permission form.
Reminder: Crazy 8s Math Club (Gr. 1 & 2)
We are excited to announce that Mrs. Nunes is hosting a Spring Session of the Crazy 8s after school math club for students in grades 1 & 2. This session is, again, being offered only for students who have never participated in Crazy 8s before.
Crazy 8s Math Club is this is not your average math club – there will be fun hands on activities and weekly themes include Neon Geometry, Toilet Paper Olympics, Funny Money, and Spy Training. The club will be held on Wednesdays after school (until 3:00pm) and will run for 8 weeks starting on 4/2. Space is limited to 16 spots. Please use the link below to sign your student up if they would like to participate. Activity fee is $25. If your student is one of the first 16 spots, please send payment to the SJS main office by Wednesday 3/12. Make sure to note which student you are paying for and put Crazy 8s Club on the envelope. Checks can be made out to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish (note SJS Crazy 8s in the memo field).
Session Dates are as follows:
April 2, 9, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
Manchester SRO Visit
Today, we had the honor of welcoming several members of the Manchester Police Department who serve as school resource officers in our town. The officers walked around the inside and outside of the school with Mrs. Nadaskay and Mrs. Zorger as part of our routine assessments. We appreciate the strong partnership with our local law enforcement and are grateful for the time they spent with us today.
Due Tomorrow: Soccer Registrations
If your 3rd – 8th student is interested in playing soccer for SJS this year, please note that paperwork and payments are due to the SJS main office tomorrow (Wednesday, 3/5)! After that time, we will be forming teams and we cannot guarantee a spot on a team for late submissions. Please use the link below to access the original email.
Congratulations SJS Robotics
Congratulations to all four SJS Robotics Teams for making the cut to compete in the State tournament this past Saturday! Our groups had a good showing, with our top-ranking team (Michael Kellerman, Ethan Garcia, & Shawn Davis) taking 5th place overall out of the 65 qualifying teams. We also took home the Energy Award for showing spirit and sportsmanship throughout the competition. A huge Thank You to Mr. Poth and Mrs. Poth for volunteering their time and talents to make this program available for our students!
Season of Lent
Tomorrow, Saint James School will begin the season of Lent with a prayer service and the distribution of ashes.
As we enter this sacred time in the liturgical calendar, our faith invites us to embrace self-sacrifice and focus on acts of kindness to support those in need. In keeping with this spirit, we are once again participating in the Lenten Rice Bowl program, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services.
Tomorrow Pre-K through Grade 8 students will receive their “Rice Bowls” from their homeroom teacher. The goal is for students to earn change (for acts of kindness or tasks performed at home) to put into the rice bowl. Money collected will then be donated to Catholic Relief Services to help fight hunger and malnutrition around the globe. You can visit crsricebowl.org to watch videos and learn more.
If your family will be participating, please note that Rice Bowls are due back to homeroom teachers by April 9th.