Space Still Available: 1st Grade STEM Club

Mrs. Poth will be running a session of STEM Club on Monday, March 24 for students in Grade 1.  If your child would like to attend, please complete and return the permission form.

STEM Club Permission Form 032425

Reminder: Spring Conferences

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow

As a reminder, Tuesday, March 18th, is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session.

Class Baskets

Room parents are beginning to collect items for the 2025 Class Baskets, which are raffled off as part of our annual Gala & Auction Fundraiser. If you haven’t yet received an informational email from your child’s room parent, you can expect to see it early this week. For those who aren’t familiar with this part of the Gala, click HERE to check out some of the fun baskets we’ve raffled off in previous years.

In addition to purchasing raffle tickets on the night of the Gala, tickets for the Class Baskets will also be available for sale during afternoon dismissal the week leading up to the event.  Even if you can’t attend the Gala on April 26th, you can still join in the fun and participate in the raffle!  Be sure to watch for the email blast with more details!

Basket items/money should be submitted to the classroom parent(s) by Friday, April 4th so they can make any purchases and assemble the final product.  Please reach out to your child’s classroom parent with questions.

Basket themes for this year are as follows:
Pre-K:   Barbie
K:           Lego
1st:        Cooking/Foodie
2nd:      Book Nook
3rd:       Pokemon and Game Night
4th:       Sports
5th:       Teen Dream
6th:       Spa
7th:       Gift Cards
8th:       Scratch Off

The Annual Saint James School Gala & Auction is always our largest fundraiser of the year.  We thank you for any support you can provide!!

New Uniform Company

With the recent closure of Dennis Uniforms, we are excited to announce that Tommy Hilfiger Uniforms will now join Lands’ End as a designated vendor for ordering your students’ Saint James School uniforms.

You can view our approved uniform items from Tommy Hilfiger here:  Families may begin ordering from this new site effective immediately.

Please note, Dennis Uniform items may continue to be worn to school so donations of these items to the uniform closet are still welcomed.

If you would like to sign up to receive email notices about promotions from Tommy Hilfiger, you can do so HERE.  Please note our school code is STJA07.


Gently Used Book Collection

In conjunction with SJS’s annual Hats Off To Reading contest, this year we are inviting students to bring in one new or gently used children’s book to be donated to the Manchester Women’s Club. This wonderful group of residents maintains the “Free Little Libraries” you may have seen throughout Manchester!

Every classroom has a collection basket for if your family would like to contribute.  The Manchester Women’s Club will pick up our donations at the end of the month to distribute across town.  For families who might be interested in donating larger quantities of books, you may do so by bringing them to the SJS main office or reaching out to our school librarian, Mrs. Tierney, at

Monday: $1.00 Green & White Dress Down

This coming Monday we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with an optional $1.00+ Green & White dress down day.  Money collected will be donated to Rebuilding Together of Manchester.

Standard dress down guidelines from page 11 of the 2024-2025 Parent Student Handbook apply (no shorts, ripped jeans, etc).

End of School Update

To account for the two snow days we have had so far this year, please note the following changes are being made to the school calendar:

* The last day of school for grades 1-7 will now be Friday, June 13th.

* June 10th will now be a full day of school.

* June 11th – June 13th will be early dismissal days.

* The last day for all Pre-K students (and the stepping up celebration for Pre-K4) will be Wednesday, June 11th.

* The last day of Kindergarten (and the Kindergarten celebration) will be Thursday, June 12th.

Grade 8 Graduation is not impacted by these changes and will still be held on Thursday, June 5th.

Trimester II Ends Tomorrow

As a reminder, our second trimester will end tomorrow.  Report cards will be sent home with students on Friday, March 23rd.

The sign up links for spring conferences will be sent out in the email blast on Monday.

Lenten Rosary Club

Our Lenten Rosary Club will begin tomorrow after school.  For students that are registered to attend, please remember to send an email to the teacher tonight or a note to school with your child giving permission for them to stay after school.