Ski Club Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, February 7th, is our 3rd ski & snowboard club trip.  GYM DOORS will open at 7:25am for parents/students to begin dropping equipment and snow gear off.

Please do not unload skis/boards in the morning arrival “drop and go” area unless you are there right at 7:25am.

Please be sure your child has their RDIF card with them.  If the card was misplaced, a new one can be purchased at the mountain for $5.00.

HSA Meeting Rescheduled

Due to the snow day today, the HSA Meeting that was scheduled for tonight will now be held on Monday, February 10th at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria.  We hope to see you there!

Middle School Dance Chaperones Needed

SJS will be hosting a dance for Saint James and Saint Bridget 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students on Friday, February 21st from 7:00pm-9:30pm. We are still in need volunteers to help chaperone. If you are able to help out, please contact Patricia McCarthy at Permissions slips and additional details will be forthcoming after February break.  Thank you for helping us host this event for our students!

CSW Collection

Updated One Page Calendar

Attached please find an updated copy of our calendar-at-a-glance, reflecting the change in the day we are off from school (from March 28th to April 1st).  Please be sure you have marked your calendars accordingly.  The originally communicated note regarding this change is below.

2024.25 school calendar rev 1.28.2025

The Catholic Educator’s Mass and Celebration originally scheduled for Friday, March 28th has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 1st due to a scheduling conflict. Therefore, we will have a full day of school on Friday, March 28, 2025, and there will be no school for students on Tuesday, April 1st, as our teachers will be attending the offsite conference.

Blue & Gold Pep Rally

2025-2026 School Year Registration

Earlier today, all SJS families with students enrolled in Pre-K3 through Grade 7 should have received an email regarding returning student registration. This year, the registration information was sent via the FACTS Family Portal.  If you don’t see the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

A few reminders:

*Current students receive priority registration for the 2025-2026 school year through Friday, February 21st.  New student admissions screenings, visits, and registration will begin after that time based on open spaces in each grade.  Your prompt completion of the online registration through the FACTS Family Portal is important as we have many new families/students already looking to join our school this fall.

*The district code for FACTS is SBSJ-CT.

*The SJS Summer Program will return this summer for registered students entering Pre-K4 through 4th Grade.  That information will be sent via the email blast in the days ahead.

*Families must reapply for Grant & Aid each year.  Once your registration for Fall 2025 is complete, if you would like to apply for tuition assistance, please use THIS LINK.

*The 2025-2026 Parish Affiliation Form should NOT hold up your registration.  The form may be submitted at a later date, but must be received by June 30, 2025.  As a reminder, parishioners of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish may send their form to the school without the Pastor’s signature and we will submit it to the parish office for you.

*If your child will be returning to Saint James School and your family has a younger child who will be joining SJS for the first time,  please complete an application in your FACTS Family Portal ASAP (if you have not already done so).  Reach out to Stephanie Holmes at with questions.


Absence Policy Reminders

Per our school’s handbook:

*If a student is absent due to illness for 3 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required in order to return to school.

*Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before they can return to the classroom.

*If a student is absent, he/she is not allowed to attend any school-related activity after school that day.

*For the first 9 absences, a student’s absences are considered excused when the parent or guardian provides proper documentation including the reason for the absence. Such documentation could include an email note from the parent or guardian, a voice mail message regarding the absence, or a telephone call confirming the absence.  For the 10th and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school will only be considered excused as documented in the handbook (illness, family emergency, observance of a religious holiday, etc.).

*Students must satisfactorily complete all work missed during an absence. If a student is absent for two consecutive days due to illness, a parent may call the school to ask that the teacher prepare make-up work to be picked up in the office after 2:00pm. If a family takes a vacation which does not coincide with the school calendar, teachers do not have the responsibility of preparing class work ahead of time for the student. Missed work must be submitted within 3 school days of the students return to school.


Lego Club Begins Tomorrow

As a reminder the first session of Lego Club begins tomorrow after school.  If your student is attending, please make sure you send a note from home to the teacher.  Pick-up will be 3:30pm in the dismissal parking lot.

Also, please update your calendar – April 22nd has been added as a Lego Club date since we will not be in school on April 1st due to a calendar change. Dates: February 4, 11, 25; March 4, 11, 25; April 8, 22; Make up day 4/29.


Reminder: February Newsletter & Calendars

Below please find links to the February 2025 Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger, as well as the February calendars.

Saber Stories Newsletter – February 2025

Updated Calendar Page – February 2025

SJS Lunch Menu – February 2025