Mass Thursday

Saint James students will attend Mass this Thursday for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  All SJS parents/grandparents are welcome to join us!

All students should wear their regular winter uniform tomorrow due to the Mass.

Afternoon Parking

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents that they should not be parking in front of the school on either side of the street at afternoon pickup.  These areas are marked as No Parking.

Extended Day Statements

Extended Day Statements for November are now available.  Please pick yours up today when you pick up your child from aftercare.

KidStuff Fundraiser Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, the KidStuff coupon book fundraiser ends tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/15).  Please remember to send in all payments or any unsold books to your child’s teacher.   Checks should be made payable to St. James School HSA.  Please contact Kate Davis ( with any questions.  Thank you for your participation and for supporting our school!

SJS K-8th Grade Open House Next Tuesday: November 8th

Our first Open House for prospective families will be held next Tuesday, November 8th, at 8:30am.  If you know someone who may be interested in our Kindergarten – 8th grade program, there are Open House post cards available in the main office that you can hand out.  If you would like us to mail a postcard to someone you know, please e-mail Amy Guenther at

If you have not already done so, please like and/or share our Open House Facebook Post (3rd post down).

November Saber Stories

Attached please find the November 2016 Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Kanute.


As tomorrow is a Holy Day of Obligation for All Saints’ Day, the HSA meeting has been moved to THURSDAY (11/3) at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. 

All parents/guardians/grandparents of SJS students are welcome to attend.  When you arrive at the school for the meeting, please ring the buzzer to the left of the breezeway door and meet us in the Cafeteria. 

This month’s agenda will include a review and discussion of Halloween Trunk or Treat, ideas for a new Christmas event, and details on the Mother/Son and Father/Son events.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact us with any feedback or questions at

Varsity Gold Girls Basketball Roster

Below is the roster for the girls Varsity Gold Basketball team:


Pick-up in Pre-K/Staff Lot Today

Afternoon pickup for grades K-8 will take place in the lot between the Pre-K and the Main School today due to event setup taking place in the gym.

Fundraiser Order Pick-up Today

Cherrydale/Jeannine fundraiser items will be available for pick up on the gym stage today (Wednesday 10/26) from 2:00-2:30. If you do not come to afternoon pick-up, your items will be available in the gym or breezeway until 5:30pm on Wednesday (please ring the buzzer at the Breezeway door to enter the school after 2:45).

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot store frozen and perishable food items so you must pick your items up by 5:30 on Wednesday if you ordered frozen goods.  Contact Kate Davis at with any questions.

Thank you again for your support of Saint James School!