Thank You! HSA Events Raise over $48,000 for Our School!

If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to review the attached letter from the Home & School Association.

HSA Thank You Letter

IMPORTANT: 2018-2019 Calendar Change

Reminder from last week: Last Monday, the Manchester Board of Education made the decision to amend their originally published 2018-2019 school calendar and change the week of April vacation.  Since we follow the Manchester public school calendar, we need to change our week for April break as well.  The attached calendar reflects the change.  April vacation will now run Monday, April 15th – Monday, April 22nd (Good Friday is April 19 and Easter Monday, April 22).  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

New Calendar One Page 2018-2019 (Updated 6-14-18)



Field Day Tomorrow

Field Day will be held tomorrow – Tuesday, June 19th.  Students should wear their SJS navy gym shorts, sneakers, and a T-shirt in the color designated below for their grade:


This Week

As a reminder, this week is our last week of school for the 2018-2019 school year.  Here are some important notes:

*Wednesday (6/20) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Kindergarten students will arrive at school for 9:30am and have their graduation ceremony.  Walkers’ dismissal will be OUTSIDE in the lot between the main school and the pre-kindergarten on Wednesday.

*Thursday (6/21) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.

*Friday (6/22) is the last day of school for the 2017-2018 school year.  It is a 12:05pm dismissal day.

Aftercare will be in session on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Since there is no hot lunch those three days, students going to aftercare will need a lunch from home.


Summer Hours for the SJS main office will be Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Gym Uniforms on Monday

Due to the anticipated 90+ degree weather this coming Monday, all students (with the exception of 5th grade, who will be down at the church in the afternoon) may wear their GYM uniform to school on Monday.

2017-2018 Yearbooks For Sale

Yearbooks are on their way! If you did not order a yearbook, but would like to purchase one now, we will have a limited amount of yearbooks that can still be purchased.  They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Please send $25 cash or check (payable to Saint James School) in a sealed envelope with your child to school. Address it to Mrs. St. Jean: Yearbook. Label it with your child’s name and teacher. Yearbooks will be handed out by homeroom teachers during the last week of school.

Chromebook Return Reminder

Chromebooks will be collected from the 7th grade students tomorrow (Friday, 6/15). Please make sure students bring their Chromebook AND power cable to school. Covers should be removed from the Chromebook before they turn it in.

Staff Update

As you may have read in the latest edition of Saber Stories, we have a few staff members who will be retiring (or relocating) at the end of this school year.  We are excited to announce that Mrs. St. Jean will be taking over as the Pre-Kindergarten director, replacing Sandy Valentine who is retiring after 19 years with SJS!

In addition, we have hired Mrs. Meghan Rafferty as our new Art Teacher for grades K – 5, replacing Mrs. Kara Sabatella.  Mrs. Sabatella will still be actively involved in our Summer program and is excited to come back to do art in other capacities at SJS next year (book and art club, helping with the art show, etc.).

Congratulations to Mrs. St. Jean and Mrs. Rafferty on their new positions!  We are actively interviewing for our other open positions and look forward to keeping you apprised as new staff members are hired into the Saint James School family.

Lost & Found

Lost and Found articles will be set up on tables in the breezeway next week.  Please stop in and see if any of the items belong to your SJS student.

News For Monday

A couple of important notes for today:

1.) Dismissal at 2:05pm tomorrow will be outside in the lot between the main school and the pre-kindergarten building

2) A representative from Dennis Uniform Company will be set up in our gymnasium after dismissal today at dismissal time if you would like to stop in to browse uniform items and measure sizes.