SJS Soccer Practice Starts Tonight & Games This Weekend

Soccer Practice will start tonight for select grades of students who are FULLY REGISTERED to participate (sports fee paid, paperwork completed, and doctor-completed sports form on file with the school).  Please check with the coach to make sure your student is not missing anything when arriving at the field tonight.

Practice is at Charter Oak Park Soccer Fields (corner of Main Street and Charter Oak Streets in Manchester).

Grades 3 – 5:  5:00pm – 6:30pm
Grades 6 & 8: 6:00pm – 7:30pm

There will be no practice for the 7th grade this evening.

Please note, we are still in need of coaches and assistant coaches for the 3rd/4th & 5th grade teams.  If you are able to help, please reach out to our volunteer coordinator (and parent of two SJS graduates) Jon Sargent at or Mr. Green at  Previous soccer experience is not needed to be a coach but you will need to complete the background check and VIRTUS training.


VARSITY GAMES (Saturday, April 6th)

St. James Gold (8th grade) vs. St. Paul Maroon @ 8:00am (Charter Oak Park, Field 3)
St. John Paul II Blue vs. St. James Gold (8th Grade) @ 9:00am (Charter Oak Park, Field 2)
St. Bridget vs. St. James Cobalt (7th Grade) @ 10:00am (Charter Oak Park, Field 2)
St. James Pearl (6th Grade) vs. St. Bernard @ 11:30am (Charter Oak Park, Field 3)

JV GAMES (Saturday, April 6th)

St. James Blue (Grade 3) vs. St. Bridget @ 9:30am (Charter Oak Park, Field 4)
St. Gabriel vs. St. James Blue (3rd Grade) @ 10:15am (Charter Oak Park, Field 1)
St. Paul vs. St. James White (4th & 5th Grade) @ 11:30am (Charter Oak Park, Field 1)
St. James White (4th & 5th Grade) vs Corpus Christi @ 12:15pm (Charter Oak Park, Field 1)

Team Colors are used for reading the schedule only, all SJS teams wear gold jerseys.

Gold    Grade 8
Cobalt    Grade 7
Pearl     Grade 6
White    Grades 5 and 4
Blue      Grade 3

The schedule is presently week by week but can always be viewed at:

STEM Club – Grades 3 & 4

A few spots still remain if your child would like to participate!

An afternoon STEM Club has been scheduled for Monday, April 8 for students in 3rd and 4th grade.  During this session, the robots will be getting ready for Easter!  Please see the attached form for details and sign-up information.

STEM Club Permission Slip Grades 3&4

Canceled: Game Night

The Family Game Night scheduled for Friday evening has been canceled.  We apologize to the families that had signed up to attend.

Living Lent: Family Prayer

During this Lenten season, we would like to take the opportunity to offer our families some ideas that can help spark conversations and strengthen the spirituality of your household.

Each week of Lent, we are offering a Scripture passage, Lenten quotation, or prayer activity for your family to share together. We hope these suggestions will enrich your family’s journey through Lent, ending in a more blessed and joyful Easter.


Here is a Lenten Prayer from Pope Francis:

For a Living Lent activity this week, work together to write a Lenten prayer that is meaningful to your family.  Try to pray it together each day this week, or even for the remainder of Lent.  You could decorate and hang it on your fridge!

Snack Reminder

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents that all SJS students, including our Middle School students, do have a defined time to have a healthy snack and drink each morning.  For students in grades 1 – 8, snack must consist of fruits or veggies and a water bottle.

Grade 1&2 Book & Art Club

Please be advised, our 1st & 2nd grade Book & Art Club for April is full.

Aftercare Fun Fridays

Are your students looking for additional fun, after-school activities with friends?  Why not have them attend the Friday afternoon activities at our school’s Aftercare program?

Each Friday is a different themed activity that students of all ages can enjoy!  (Families must be registered with the Aftercare program before their student(s) can participate.)

This Friday, 4/5, will be Building Fun and Barbies

Friday, 4/12, Easter BINGO!

Friday, 4/19 – NO SCHOOL

Friday, 4/26 – Craft Day


Any questions, please reach out to Ms. Jean at  The hourly Aftercare charge is just $10 an hour (for one child) if your family is not already on the “full-time” plan.  You can still register for aftercare if you would like your child to attend.

Saber Stories & HSA Newsletter

Please find attached the April Saber Stories and April HSA Newsletter.

April 2019 Saber Stories

April 2019 HSA Happenings

Yearbook Reminder

If you would like your child to receive a yearbook at the end of the school year, TOMORROW (Tuesday 4/1) is the deadline to order (Grades Pre-K through 7th only…all 8th grade students will automatically receive one).

Yard Goats Tickets Still Available

We still have tickets available for this fun, SJS family event!  Please consider inviting your family and friends to join you!

When: Sunday, April 28 at 1:00pm at Dunkin’ Donuts Park.

Special Perks: SJS families will be displaying the Big Flag in center field during the National Anthem & children can run the bases after the game.

Tickets: Please see the order form (click here) for additional information and contact Tabitha Post at with any questions.