2019 Annual Fund Kick-Off
This week you should have received a letter from Mrs. Zorger (along with the Spring SJS Community Newsletter) kicking off our 2019 Annual Fund Campaign.
Donations to our Annual Fund Campaign are instrumental in supporting the ongoing capital improvement projects at the school (these projects are not covered by tuition funds or supported by the SJS Foundation). Annual Fund dollars, along with several generous bequests and grants, have helped us afford the new, energy-efficient windows and roofs that have been installed at the school during the past past several years as well as the new roofs on the entire “big” school building.
This year, donations will help defray the cost of replacing the 50+-year-old roof on the Pre-Kindergarten building. This is the final roof on our school campus that needs to be replaced.
For additional details or to donate online, please visit saintjamesschool.net/annualfund
We gratefully thank you for your consideration of supporting this important initiative.
NO Hot Lunch or Milk Tomorrow
Please note that there is NO HOT LUNCH being served tomorrow – Friday (5/24). ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED A LUNCH AND DRINK FROM HOME.
Tonight’s Soccer Banquet
For those soccer players that sent in a reservation for tonight’s soccer banquet:
The banquet begins at 6:00pm at Assumption Church Hall, 27 South Adams Street, Manchester.
Please note that there is a special Mass taking place from 5:00-5:45pm that evening. Please do not arrive before 5:45pm, there will not be enough parking and we do not want to disturb the Mass going on. Thank you for your help with this.
Also, we are NOT accepting any more reservations for this event – the RSVP date was last Friday, May 17.
We look forward to celebrating our soccer players tomorrow night!
Last Day of School Reminder
As a reminder, June 12th is the last day of school for our grade 1 – 7 students. June 11th and June 12th are both 12:05pm dismissal days, with aftercare in session both days.
June 1 Deadline: Catholic Tuition Rate Reminder
Returning Families: Please make sure you have turned in your Parish Affiliation Form, if you are claiming the parishioner rate for 2019-2020. Signed forms must be in by June 1, 2019 to have the parishioner rate added to your account. If you are unsure if you have already turned in your form, please e-mail Denise Mayo at dmayo@saintjamesschool.net
Art Show & Ice Cream Social Tonight!
Please join us tonight for the
2019 Saint James School Art Show & Ice Cream Social
Beautiful & inspirational works of art from our Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade Students
Delicious cold treats from our friends at Highland Park Market
Stop by the school gym anytime between 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Outside Dismissal Tuesday/Wednesday
Due to the ART SHOW being set up in the gymnasium, dismissal for students being picked up at 2:05pm will take place outside in the lot between the Pre-Kindergarten and main school on both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons this week.
No Choir Practice This Week
Please note that there will not be choir practice after school this Wednesday, May 22nd, due to the Art Show being set up in the gym.