Yard Goats Game Sunday

All families that purchased tickets for the Yard Goats game on Sunday should have received tickets early this week in your child’s take-home folder.  In the case of inclement weather, please check the Yard Goats website for information on a delay or cancellation.  Please also note the following “Yard Goats Rain Policy,” Yard Goats Rain Policy

Tuition Assistance Applications

If you will be applying for Financial Aid for the 2019-2020 school year, please note that you should be starting the process through FACTS now.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mayo at dmayo@saintjamesschool.net or 860.643.5088 (select option 7 on the main menu).

School Mass TOMORROW

Tomorrow, students in grades K – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am.  Archbishop Mansell will be celebrating Mass with us.

All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend (please sit in the back few rows of pews).

Students who have GYM tomorrow will need to wear their regular uniform to school (shorts & polo is acceptable).

HSA Meetings Next Week

There will be an evening HSA meeting on Weds, May 1 at 7:00pm in the school library and a morning HSA meeting on Thurs, May 2 at 8:00am in the lower church.  Please attend whichever meeting best suits your schedule.  We will be reviewing the many activities of the past month and discussing events coming up in May and June.

Yard Goats Tickets

For anyone that ordered Yard Goat tickets, a Brightly Colored Envelope will be coming home through Kid Mail today, April 24th.  Please be on the lookout for it.

STEM Club is full

Please note that the STEM club for 1st and 2nd graders on April 29 is full.

Lenten Rice Bowls Reminder

As a reminder, the Lenten Rice Bowls (through Catholic Relief Services) that were sent home with your child/ren at the start of Lent, are now due back.  Here was the information originally sent out regarding this collection:


Members of the SJS Student Council visited the classrooms to discuss the Lenten Rice Bowl program through Catholic Relief Services and hand out information.  During Lent it is our responsibility to give Alms, or raise money for charity.  Children were given the option to earn money over the next several weeks to put in their Rice Bowl or perhaps sacrifice a small portion of money they have saved.  After April Break, Student Council members will collect the bowls and tally the donations by homeroom.  Additional information regarding the Lenten Rice Bowl program is included with what is being sent home today or you can visit www.crsricebowl.org for a complete overview of this initiative.


As always, we appreciate any support your family is able to provide.

Reminder: One Page Calendar for 2019-2020

Below is the our page calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.  This calendar is considered preliminary as the Archdiocese of Hartford will be announcing 2 professional development dates and those dates still need to be added to the calendar as days off from school for students).

2019-2020 Year at a Glance Calendar (Prelim)

Instrumental Music & Spring Concert Notice

Our 2019 Spring Concert for families and friends will be held the evening of Wednesday, April 24th.  Please note, all 3rd grade students as well as all of our band and choir students are expected to perform in the concert that evening (unless, of course, they are ill).  For students that also play SJS soccer (which practices on Wednesday evenings), they WILL be excused from soccer practice that evening with no penalty.

It is not an option for our student performers to attend soccer practice over the evening concert.

Spring Uniform Begins Tomorrow (Tuesday)

As a reminder, Students may begin wearing their SPRING uniform tomorrow.