
Yearbooks are in and will be distributed to students shortly.  Kindergarten families who ordered a yearbook for their child should have received it during graduation today.  Eighth grade families may come pick up a blue yearbook for their child in the main office or call the office to have it sent home with a sibling.  Pre-K students will receive a notice from Mrs. St. Jean.

Aftercare Statements Ready

The June aftercare statements are now available for pick-up from Ms. Jean.  If your child has already graduated you can stop in to pick it up or it will be mailed to your home.

Children’s Mass Helpers for Next Year

Thank you to all the families who had their child/ren help with our monthly SJS Children’s Masses this year and/or perform in the choir.  It really is a special blessing for our school and Parish to be so closely connected and we receive so many compliments from the parishioners on how much they enjoy having our students participate in these special Masses.

In planning ahead for the 2019-2020 school year, we are looking for student volunteers to help out at our monthly SJS Children’s Mass (9:00am Mass, second Sunday of the month).  If your child would be interested in serving in any capacity, please reach out via email to parent volunteer coordinator Cindy Herr at for information.


Summer Camp Payments

Parents utilizing the SJS Summer Camp program may now log into their FACTS account and click on “View Details” on the home screen.  This will bring up the entire list of all you upcoming payments.

Next Week’s Schedule

June 7th – 8th Grade Graduation/Last Day of School for Grade 8
June 7th – Last day of school for Kindergarten
June 9th – Children’s Mass at Saint James Church (9:00am Mass)
June 10th – Kindergarten Graduation/Celebration at 10:00am
June 11th – Field Day for grades 1 – 7
June 11th – 12:05pm Dismissal Day (aftercare is in session)
June 12th – Last Day of School for Grades 1 – 7
June 12th – School-wide Mass at 9:15am
June 12th – 12:05pm Dismissal Day  (aftercare is in session)
June 17th – SJS Summer Camp Begins

Soccer Uniforms

Please remember that all soccer uniforms are due back to the main office, hand-washed and in a bag labeled with the student’s name.  There is a charge for uniforms that are not returned.

Lunch Change

Please note that the school lunch sandwich option for Monday (6/10) will be student’s choice of Ham & Cheese or Tuna.

Reminder: Important Choir Information

Choir students will be performing at the following events

Friday June 7:  8th Grade Graduation at Saint James Church
– Please arrive to choir loft by 6:45pm
– Students should wear their SJS uniform
– If parents want to stay during program they must wait in the basement (not enough room in the church)
– Choir students should be picked up in the basement (program will last about one hour)

Sunday June 9:  Final Children’s Mass of this school year
– Students should wear their SJS uniform
– Arrive at choir loft by 8:45am

A huge Thank You to all our Choir families and, of course, Mrs. Lindemann, for a wonderful 2018/2019 school year!

HSA Meeting Tomorrow

Our morning HSA meeting will be held tomorrow morning (Friday, June 7) at 8:00am in the lower church.  We will wrap up this school year and begin planning for next year!  Please join us if you can.

Pre-K Graduation

Congratulations to the Saint James School 2019 Pre-Kindergarten graduates!  We look forward to seeing many of you back soon for summer camp or in August for Kindergarten!

“Our future’s so bright, we’ve got to wear shades!”