
Saint James School is now on Instagram under sjsmanchesterct.  Please be sure to follow us if you are on Instagram.

7th & 8th Grade Parents

You should have received an email from us this morning regarding the local Catholic High Schools.  Please make sure you check your spam folders if you didn’t see it.

Reminder: Picture Days Next Week

Individual Pictures will be taken on Monday, September 16th.  For students in grades K-8, this is considered a DRESS DOWN (or “Dress Up”) Day, where students will come to school in whatever you want their picture taken in.  They will wear that attire for the entire school day.  Please note all student attire must adhere to the Dress Down guidelines on page 11 of the school Handbook.

Class pictures are on Wednesday, September 18.

All K-8 students need to be in their formal Saint James School uniform on this date as follows:

K-5 Girls: Skort,  polo, NAVY knee socks or tights

K-5 Boys: Long khaki pants, polo, socks (navy, black, or tan)

6-8 Girls: Skort, oxford, NAVY knee socks

6-8 Boys: Khaki long pants, oxford, tie,  socks (navy, black, or tan)

*note: white socks are only a “fall/spring” uniform option
Acceptable Uniform Shoes (worn on Non-Gym Days)


Picture order forms have already been sent home with students.  You can also order ONLINE this year by going to and entering our school ID: RI239204Q0 to set up your order.

With Lifetouch Pictures, your child’s school portrait can also be used to create fun photo gifts via Shutterfly.  Please make these purchases using this link and 8% of the sale price will be donated back to Saint James School!  (This link can be used to support SJS on ALL purchases through Shutterfly, not just school-picture related gifts).

Box Tops Winner

The winner for the first Box Tops/Dress Down contest of the year is 4th grade with a total of 560 Box Tops!  Our middle school volunteers counted 2,760 total Box Tops yesterday (a total of $276 for our school!) which is great considering Box Tops has started the transition to a digital program.  The 4th grade teachers will inform students as to when the dress down day will occur.

Please continue collecting and saving Box Tops (and remember to scan your receipts using the Box Tops App!).  We will be counting again in early November.

Cross Country Calendar

The Cross Country schedule has been added to the SJS website.  Runner families can “subscribe” to the Cross Country Calendar (if they do not already have it linked from last year) HERE.

Choir Notice

If your child would like to participate in Choir (grades 3-8) this year, tomorrow is the first practice.  A signed permission slip is required to participate.  If your child has not received one, please email Mrs Lindemann ( and let her know who is coming.

Choir students must commit to fully participating in all day/evening concerts, monthly children’s Masses, and special events.  A schedule will be sent out shortly.  Practices are most Wednesdays after school.

Choir pickup tomorrow (Wednesday) is at 3:15 by the gym doors (please do NOT buzz into the school, Mrs. Lindemann will bring the students to the door for dismissal).

School Supply Fundraiser


Thank you to all the SJS families that ordered school supplies through our summer supply fundraiser.  Together we raised $536 for Saint James School!


VIRTUS at ECHS Tonight

Volunteer/VIRTUS Training

In order to volunteer at Saint James School in ANY capacity, volunteers are required to have completed:

  1. A background check, and
    2. Attended a VIRTUS Training Session

(please note, you only need to do this once – not every year).

If you would like to volunteer at SJS this year and have not completed these requirements please take note of the following:

Upcoming VIRTUS sessions scheduled locally are as follows:

*Tuesday, September 10th @ 6:00pm at East Catholic High School
*Saturday, September 28th @ 9:00am at Saint James Church

To participate in a VIRTUS session, you must Pre-Register on the VIRTUS Site.  To access the schedule of upcoming sessions and register to attend one, click HERE and select Hartford, CT (Archdiocese).  Space is LIMITED so we suggest registering as soon as possible.

The background check form can be downloaded HERE or picked up at the SJS Main Office.  Completed forms should be submitted to the SJS main office for processing.

Cross Country Practice This Week & First Meet

This week, Cross Country will practice on Tuesday and FRIDAY, from 2:05pm – 3:30pm (please note change from Thursday to Friday this week).

Next week practice will be on Tuesday (9/17), with the first meet for grade 6-8 runners on Friday, September 20th.

A “subscribable” calendar of practices and events will be available tomorrow.

Here are the details for the 9/20 meet in Southington (parents need to get their runner to the meet and back so carpooling is encouraged where possible):

Annual Southington Middle School Distance Festival:

3:00-3:40pm – Check in and Course Walk
3:45pm -6th Grade Boys Race
4:00pm -6th Grade Girls Race
4:15pm -7th Grade Boys Race
4:35pm -7th Grade Girls Race
4:55pm -8th Grade Boys Race
5:15pm -8th Grade Girls Race


The event will take place at YMCAs Camp Sloper in Southington, Connecticut.  The address is 1000 East St, Southington, CT 06489.  Please note, there is a $5.00 fee for parking.

The 6th grade races are 1.25 miles, the 7th grade races are 1.5 miles, and the 8th grade 2.0 miles.


Scholastic Book Fair: Volunteers Needed

The HSA will be hosting the annual Scholastic Book Fair from Monday, September 23 through Thursday, September 26.  The book fair will be open for students to shop during the school day and for parents to shop during the evenings of our “Meet the Teachers” nights.  Proceeds from the book fair (up to 50% of your purchase!!) go towards funding new books and equipment for the classrooms and the school library.

Volunteers are needed to help set-up/clean-up the book fair and to work at the fair by helping students make selections and serving as cashiers.  Please note that in order to volunteer you must have completed VIRTUS training and a Background Check.  If you are able to help, please click HERE to access the Volunteer Sign Up.  You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one and then proceed to register for a date and time period to help.  Any questions can be directed to Alicia Poth (

Any time you can give would be appreciated to help us make this year’s book fair another huge success.  Thank you!