Immaculate Conception School Mass on Monday

This coming Monday, December 9th, students in grades 1-8 and staff will attend Mass at St. James Church at 9:15am. As always, our SJS Parents/Grandparents are welcome to attend Mass with us (please sit in the back few rows of the pews).

Monday’s Mass will also be in memory of Sister Clarice, a long-time teacher at Saint James School who passed away this summer.

Seventh grade students that have gym on Mondays should come to school in their standard winter uniform and may bring their gym clothes to change into.

Monday Hot Lunch Change

Monday’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Pasta and Meatballs with a Garden Salad.

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow & NO Aftercare

As a reminder, tomorrow – Friday, December 6th, is a 12:05pm dismissal day for our school.  No aftercare is available this Friday so all students must be picked up at 12:05pm.  Please plan accordingly.

SJS Choir To Sing At Tonight’s Tree Lighting

Our Choir will be singing tonight at the Downtown Manchester Tree Lighting.  Please join us if you can!  Choir members should arrive at the Saint James Church lawn for 6:00pm.  Please have students wear their winter uniform with boots, tights/leggings under skorts, and a warm coat/hat.

Christmas Concert Tonight

Performer Arrival Times & Attire

Band Students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:10pm  (parents who volunteered to help dress should arrive a bit earlier).  Evening concert attire for band students is a white dress shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be given to the students to wear when they arrive.  Any alumni and parents who play wind instruments are welcome to sit in the advanced band.  Please contact Mr. Corcoran if you wish to perform.

Attire for members of the choir is Sunday Best (no jeans, shorts, or t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, or sandals).  Students should arrive and report to the Cafeteria between 6:00pm – 6:15pm.  If your child is in the band, they should report to Mrs. Lindemann first to get checked in and then report to Mr. Corcoran.  A detailed notice was recently sent home (via “kid mail”) to choir parents from Mrs. Lindemann.
4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  A notice regarding attire for the evening performance was previously sent home by the teachers.  At the end of the concert, students will be walked back to the gym for dismissal.

1st Grade:
All 1st grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria. A notice regarding attire for the evening performance was previously sent home by the teachers.  At the end of the concert, students will be walked back to the gym for dismissal.

Christmas Concert Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow, Wednesday, December 4th is our annual Saint James School Christmas Concert featuring the Saint James School bands and Choir as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students.

Attire for the daytime performance (which is for students and staff) is just regular winter uniform.

Please note the following for the evening performance:

Performer Arrival Times & Attire

Band Students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:10pm  (parents who volunteered to help dress should arrive a bit earlier).  Evening concert attire for band students is a white dress shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be given to the students to wear when they arrive.  Any alumni and parents who play wind instruments are welcome to sit in the advanced band.  Please contact Mr. Corcoran if you wish to perform.

Attire for members of the choir is Sunday Best (no jeans, shorts, or t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, or sandals).  Students should arrive and report to the Cafeteria between 6:00pm – 6:15pm.  If your child is in the band, they should report to Mrs. Lindemann first to get checked in and then report to Mr. Corcoran.  A detailed notice was recently sent home (via “kid mail”) to choir parents from Mrs. Lindemann.
4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  A notice regarding attire for the evening performance was previously sent home by the teachers.  At the end of the concert, students will be walked back to the gym for dismissal.

1st Grade:
All 1st grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria. A notice regarding attire for the evening performance was previously sent home by the teachers.  At the end of the concert, students will be walked back to the gym for dismissal.

Saber Stories Newsletter

Attached please find the December Saber Stories Newsletter. December 2019 Saber Stories

Reminder: Gr. 3 & 4 Instrumental Music

A reminder that Mr. Corcoran will have lessons and band tomorrow – Tuesday, December 3rd – for Grades 4&5 in preparation for the Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 5th.

Please remember students will need to have their instruments in school on Wednesday, December 5th for the daytime concert (attire is regular uniform).

December Book & Art Club Grades 1&2

The next Book & Art Club for students in grades 1 & 2 will be held after school on December 17th.  If your student would like to attend, please RSVP using the permission slip below.

December 17 Book & Art Club Permission Slip Grades 1&2

A couple of notes:

  • If your child has a food allergy, please have them bring a snack.
  • Pick-up will now take place outside the gym doors.
  • Please be sure you check in with Mrs. Rafferty or Mrs. Carpenter to sign-out your student before leaving.


Grade 1&2 STEM Club Reschedule Date

Today’s after-school STEM Club for grades 1&2 has been rescheduled to Monday, December 16th.  If your child was signed up to attend today and cannot make it on December 16th, please email Mrs. Poth at  The website and app calendars have both been updated to reflect the new date.