Last Call: Wednesday’s Bus

The school bus dismissal time for this coming Wednesday (11/27) and a couple of other days throughout the year have changed.  We have also had to make a change to our inclement weather early dismissal policy.

Please read this letter from Mrs. Zorger regarding the changes: School Bus Time Change & Early Dismissal Change Letter From Mrs. Zorger

Attention Parents of Bus Students:

If your child typically uses the school bus to get home from school, you will need to let us know how your student will be getting home this coming Wednesday, November 27th by completing THIS FORM

Information in this form will be passed along to the office and the teachers first thing tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

All families are asked to pay special attention to the part in the letter about inclement weather early dismissals, which will now take place at 10:00am.


Report Card Reminder

As a reminder, 1st trimester report cards were sent home with students on Friday.  If you have not already done so, please sign the envelope and send it back to school with your student.

This Week’s Schedule

A reminder on this week’s schedule:

Tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/26) we have a full day of school.

Wednesday (11/27) is an early dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session beginning at 12:05pm, however students will need to bring a lunch from home (no hot lunch or milk served).

There is no school on Thursday or Friday of this week for the Thanksgiving break.

Thanksgiving Mass This Wednesday

This Wednesday, November 27th, students in grades K-8 and staff will attend Mass at St. James Church at 9:15pm.  As always, our SJS Parents/Grandparents are welcome to attend Mass with us (please sit in the back few rows of the pews).

Last Call: Choir Parents Please RSVP

The Saint James School Choir has been invited to perform at the town’s Tree Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, December 5th.  This event will take place on the lawn of Saint James Church.  We are asking Choir members to arrive at 6:00pm and they will perform from 6:15 – 6:30pm.  Students should come in their winter uniform.

All Choir families are asked to complete THIS FORM to confirm your child/ren will be there to perform next Thursday.

Reminder: Individual Portrait Retakes Monday

Retakes for individual portraits will take place this coming Monday, November 25th, 2019.  This will be for:

*Any student not satisfied with original portrait – Return your complete package minus the class picture to the photographer on retake day.

*Any student who was absent on the original day whether you are purchasing a package or not.

*Any student who did not purchase on the original day and would like to purchase a package.

Retake Order forms will be available in the school office approximately one week prior to retake day or can be done online at  — picture day id:   RI239204Q1

Any student having retakes done may come to school in dress down on Monday.  Dress down on Monday is ONLY for students having picture retakes done.

Any questions, please contact or 203-937-2364 ext 72367.

NEW: Attention 8th Grade Parents

If your 8th grader is/will be applying to East Catholic High School, please complete and sign the ECHS Record Release Form and send it back to Mrs. Sager over the next few days.

NEW: From the Nurse

Cold and Flu season is upon us.  Here are a few Flu facts:

F:  Fever A: Aches C:  Cough & Chills T:  Tiredness & Fatigue S:  Sudden Onset

Flu is short for Influenza which is a respiratory illness.

Influenza Like Illness is a term used to describe symptoms which might be flu:  fever with cough and/or sore throat.  If your child develops these symptoms while at school, they will be dismissed.  Please provide a quick pick up and take your child straight home.  Your child’s primary care provider can then be called for advice.  If your child is diagnosed with the Flu, please notify the school.  Also, with a Flu diagnosis, your child’s doctor might be able to prescribe medication to lessen the symptoms and risks associated with the Flu.  The same medication can be prescribed to family members to prevent the Flu per your doctor’s advice.

It is important to keep sick children at home for many reasons. . . mostly to prevent the spread of infection and to allow them to rest and recover.  For Flu and any contagious illness, children should not return to school until the fever (over 100.0 degrees) has been gone for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  Your child should be eating and taking fluids adequately.  Your child also needs to be well rested and able to get through the school day.  The Flu recovery can take up to 7 days or more.  It is not too late to get a Flu shot!

 A few more friendly reminders:

Do not bring sick children to school or to school sponsored events.  If they are too ill or too contagious to be in school, they should NOT be entering the school building for ANY reason.

 Please provide a doctor’s note if your child is absent for 3 or more days.  Notes can be faxed to 860-649-6462.

STEM Club Update

The December STEM club sessions for 1st & 2nd and 3rd & 4th are full.

Last Call: Thanksgiving Food Drive


The Saint James School Student Council is collecting food for the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Families are asked to consider donating the following items to help struggling families in our area enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving:

Pre-Kindergarten: Stuffing
Kindergarten: Instant Potatoes
1st Grade: Cornbread and other bread mixes
2nd Grade: Juice and water
3rd Grade: Pasta
4th Grade: Desserts (puddings, cookies, etc.)
5th Grade: Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate
6th Grade: Canned Vegetables
7th Grade: Cranberry sauce or pasta sauce
8th Grade: Gravy, pickles, or olives

Saint James School will be collecting food for the St. Vincent DePaul Society through November 22nd.

Each grade will be responsible for a food item. Please be generous and help families have a very blessed Thanksgiving.

Thank you!