STEM Club & Book/Art Club Update

The February STEM club for grades 1 & 2 is now full.  There are a few spaces left in STEM Club for students in grades 3 & 4.  There are also a few spaces left in the February Book & Art Club for Grades 3 & 4.

February STEM Club Permission Slip

Book & Art Club – Feb 26 2020 – 3rd & 4th Grade

Returning Family Registration Reminder

As a reminder, an email was sent yesterday to all families with a student in our Pre-K3 through 7th grade with the Registration information for the 2020-2021 school year.  The due date for returning family registration forms is Friday, February 21st.

February Saber Stories

Attached is the February Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger.

February 2020 Saber Stories

SJS Basketball Games This Saturday

This Saturday, February 8th, there will be numerous basketball games at the SJS gym.  Come on out and CHEER on the Sabers!  Please note, there is NO admission charge for SJS families to attend.

10:15am: SJS Boys 4th/5th Grade Blue vs. St. Chris

12:00pm: SJS JV Girls  6th grade vs. St. Paul
1:10 pm:   SJS JV Girls  4th grade vs St. Paul B
2:20 pm:  Varsity Gold (8th grade) Boys vs. John Paul
3:30 pm:   JV Girls 5th grade vs. St. Thomas
4:40 pm:   JV Boys 6th grade

Registration for Next Year

Thank you to all our SJS families for continuing to spread the word about our great school!  We had a very strong turnout at both our Pre-K and K-8 Open House events on Sunday.  If you know of someone interested in learning more about our programs, please have them reach out to Amy Guenther at to schedule a tour.

Returning family registration for the 2020-2021 school year was sent out earlier today. All Pre-K3 through grade 7 parents should have received an email with paperwork and instructions.  The due date for returning family registration forms will be Friday, February 21st.

After February 21st, we will begin accepting/registering new families for the 2020-2021 school year.

If you have any additional children who will be joining us at Saint James School for the first time in the Fall of 2020, please add them to your registration form and reach out to Amy Guenther ( to discuss our other New Student requirements.

If you do not see the Returning Family Registration email, please reach out to Amy Guenther.  Hard copies of all the paperwork will also be available in the main office.

Book & Art Club

The next Book & Art Club for students in grades 3 & 4 will be held after school on February 26th. If your student would like to attend, please RSVP using the permission slip below.

Book & Art Club – Feb 26 2020 – 3rd & 4th Grade

A couple of notes:

  • If your child has a food allergy, please have them bring a snack.
  • Pick-up will take place outside the gym doors.
  • Please be sure you check in with Mrs. Rafferty or Mrs. Carpenter to sign-out your student before leaving.


Please also note, the February Book & Art Club for Grades 1 & 2 is FULL.

Grandmother Bracelet Found

There was a Grandmother keepsake bracelet found in the breezeway.  If you know whose it is, please let Mrs. Sager know.

Congratulations 6th Grade JV Boys

Congratulations to our Boys JV (6th Grade) basketball team had a huge win this weekend against previously unbeaten St. Paul, on their home court. It was a highly competitive game and our boys showed tremendous effort and composure. This brings the boys record for the season to 5-2.  The boys return home next weekend to take on St. Thomas.  Great job Sabers!!

February Lunch Menu

Please find attached the February Lunch Menu.  This menu has also been added to our App and our website (under the quicklinks at the bottom) for future reference.

St. James February Lunch Menu

Tonight: SJS Moms’ Night Out

Join your fellow SJS moms for a relaxing evening out!  The HSA is sponsoring a Moms’ Night Out at The Lucky Taco tonight, January 30th at 7pm!

Please clink this Link to RSVP.

If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Talaga at Hope to see you there!