Hot Lunch Change
Tomorrow’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Maple Glazed Pancakes with Sweet Potato Fries.
Tomorrow’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Maple Glazed Pancakes with Sweet Potato Fries.
As a reminder, the Advanced Band students will be practicing on Wednesdays this year. Please remember to bring your instruments to school tomorrow.
Saint James School will be collecting Box Tops on September 22nd for this year’s first Box Tops Dress Down Contest! As in years past, the grade that brings in the most Box Tops will receive a dress down day. Please send Box Tops in with your child (in a baggie labeled with your child’s name and his/her homeroom teacher) by no later than September 22nd. The winner will be announced on September 28th.
Just a quick reminder that you can pull all the way up in front of the school and Pre-K parking lot for our morning drop & go (just leave plenty of room on both sides of the crosswalk).
If you wish to get out of the car to get your child situated or your child needs help with their backpack, please continue to use the Church lot or any of the applicable side streets (following the street signs for parking, of course). Parents should not exit their car at the “drop & go” area.
Also, if you arrive at school and your child needs a few minutes to finish breakfast, etc. please do not hold up the drop & go line.
Thank you again for helping our morning arrival run safely and smoothly.
Please watch this short video message from Mrs. Zorger:
As a reminder, please do not park in the St. Mary’s Church parking lot when picking up or dropping off your children at school. St. Mary’s staff specifically request that our families do not park there. Please utilize the St. James Church Parking Lot (across the street) instead.
Also, please do not park in the driveway behind the blue house (between the blue house and the grass lot on the corner). There is a sign on the fence noting this area is reserved for SJS staff only.
Lastly, another reminder to please utilize the crosswalks when crossing the streets in front of the school in the mornings and afternoons. We want to continue to model safe practices for our students and we are fortunate that the town provides us with two crossing guards at high-traffic times to help keep our families safe.
Please share these important messages with anyone else that may be picking up or dropping of your child/ren.
The Saint James Home & School Association (similar to a PTA/PTO) will hold its first meeting of the new school year tomorrow evening, Thursday (9/17) via Zoom from 7:00-8:00pm. We strongly encourage parents to attend to learn more about the HSA and to hear about what events are upcoming in the next few months. If you are unable to attend the Zoom call but would like to volunteer to help at various times throughout the year, please reach out to our HSA President (parent volunteer, Jodi Talaga) at
The Zoom class information is as follows:
Meeting ID: 746 9866 4177
Passcode: sGMQ9h
Lands’ End has announced a $5,000 scholarship opportunity for students in grades 8-12 whose schools use Lands’ End Uniforms. If you are interested in learning more, you can do so HERE. (Saint James School’s preferred school number with Lands’ End is 900117540). For full details, please click here:
Please remember if you are calling in an absence, those calls must be left with the school nurse. When you call in to the school, hit ‘3’ to be directly connected to that extension. Please do not call absences into the front office.
This evening at 6:30pm, Mr. Corcoran will host a ZOOM Parent meeting for the parents/guardians of any 4th grade students (and 5th – 7th grade transfer students) interested in learning more about our school’s instrumental music program. As a reminder, our instrumental music program begins in 4th grade at SJS but new learners are welcome to join in all grades 4th and up.
Meeting ID: 975 9585 6030
Passcode: 4Pwtt2
Mr. Corcoran can be reached at with any questions.
Instrumental Music Lessons begin tomorrow (Wednesday) for students in grades 5-8 and on Thursday our 4th graders/beginners will have lessons.