SJS Wednesday Spirit Day – Disney

Tomorrow we will continue with our Mid-Week Distance Learning Spirit Day, with tomorrow’s theme being DISNEY DAY!   We would love to see your student doing their distance learning as a prince, princesses, or pirate, in a Disney-themed Costume, or in Mickey/Minnie ears.   Please send pictures to by 1:00pm on Wednesday, May 27th so we can share with the school community!

Tips on Social Emotional Learning: Optimistic Thinking


As we close out another week of distance learning, we wanted to share some additional resources that might be of interest on Social and Emotional Skills – the tools children (and adults) use to understand and manage emotions, social interactions, and every day emotional responses.  Developing and nurturing these skills in our children can help them become happy, productive, and successful adults as they appreciate how to think and act in stressful or challenging situations.

Every few days for the next couple of weeks, we will send out some additional information on this topic that may be of interest to your family.

Today we wanted to share information on Positive/Optimistic Thinking, one of 8 critical areas of importance for well-being.  Here is some information about this topic and how to use the “Even If” strategy to keep things positive at home:  Optimistic Thinking

Keep in mind:   Words are powerful. Long after we’ve parted company, the words we heard and the tone in which they were said stay with us. Focusing on specific examples of your young person’s abilities and strengths helps them believe that we really see them as an individual, and that we respect and admire them for who they are.

Here are some creative ways to promote Optimistic Thinking in your home:

*Write “Our Family” in the middle of a piece of construction paper and add a comment or two about your family’s strengths. Invite other family members to add their comments. Hang this in a high-traffic area of your home so it can be added to and enjoyed.

*Make Encouragement Posters for each person in your household.

*Work together to make a list of things your family is thankful for.

*Recognize and compliment optimistic thinking.


Ascension Thursday

Today we celebrate Ascension Thursday, the day Jesus ascended into Heaven to take his seat at the right hand of God, 40 days after the Resurrection.  During the forty-day period before he ascended into heaven, it is believed that Jesus preached and intermingled with his apostles and disciples.

You will find the Biblical accounts of the Ascension in Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:6-11.

Ascension Thursday is typically a Holy Day of Obligation.  You can watch the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Mass from today HERE.

Also a fun fact – old English tradition states that if it is sunny on Ascension Day, it will be a warm summer. Looks like we have a great summer ahead of us!

Play Like A Champion Virtual Summer Camp

With youth sports interrupted across America and many summer camps shut down, the Archdiocese of Hartford has shared this with us and we wanted to pass it along.  Play Like a Champion is offering kids of all ages a chance to get moving and learn new skills. Their new, free Virtual Summer Camp will take place from June 1-19, 2020 providing kids 3 weeks of fun and activity from the comfort of their own home. The camp will feature coaches from Play Like a Champion partners leading kids in both rigorous exercise and sport-specific drills, as well as daily character development and fun!  To learn more, click here.

Brain Breaks

Saint James School Art Show

Since we can’t be together in person today for our annual SJS Art Show, Mrs. Rafferty and Ms. Boutot have put together a Virtual Art Show for your family to watch from home.  We hope you enjoy seeing all the beautiful works of art our students have done throughout the year.

2020 Virtual Art Show Intro for K-5th Grade:


1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

3rd Grade:

4th Grade:

5th Grade:


2020 Virtual Art Show Intro for Middle School:

6th Grade:

7th Grade:

8th Grade:

Artsy Dress Up Day

Masks and Sanitizer Giveaway Today

Need a mask or some hand sanitizer? There’s a giveaway being held at Bennet Academy (1151 Main St, Manchester, CT 06040) today from noon to 2 p.m.

Spirit Day Tomorrow

Since tomorrow we will be hosting our virtual art show (showing off students’ beautiful artwork from earlier in the year) for our weekly Wednesday Spirit Day tomorrow we are asking students to dress “artsy” – bright colors, colorful hair, tie-dye, or fun mismatched clothing – have your child express their inner artist!  If your child would like to participate, please send pictures to by 1:00pm tomorrow afternoon.

Rosary Thank You

Thank you everyone who participated in our live virtual Rosary yesterday and to everyone who sent in special intentions.  Special thanks to 8th graders Marion Patsalides, Michael Creamer, Carson Herr, and David LaMonica, and Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vassallo, for each leading a decade of the Rosary for us.  It was nice to “see” so many families from our school community and to have an opportunity to pray together.