Tonight: Last HSA Meeting of the Year

Please join our awesome volunteer HSA board this evening – Tuesday, May 11th – at 7pm for the last meeting of the 2020-2021 school year.  All are welcome and encouraged to join in.  The HSA is looking for some new, fresh, and exciting ideas to begin planning for the upcoming year and would love your input!  We are really in need of some fun and lucrative fundraising ideas to help make up for not being able to have our annual GALA fundraiser during the past two years.  Please come share your ideas!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 6004 7941
Passcode: 221993

Congratulations Essay Contest State Winner

Congratulations to Saint James School 8th Grade student Michael Machewirth on winning first place in the statewide Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest (8th-9th grade division).  This year’s essay topic, which all SJS grade 8 students participated in, was Finding Strength in God During a Difficult Time.  The contest was open to students throughout the entire state of Connecticut.  Way to go Michael!

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow —  Tuesday, May 11th — is a 12:05pm dismissal day (aftercare will be in session).  Students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home.

Menu Change for Monday

Monday’s hot lunch will be chicken nuggets with mixed vegetables, instead of pancakes.

Thank You!

On behalf of Mrs. Zorger and our 3rd – 7th grade teachers, please accept a heartfelt Thank You for your support and efforts over the past few weeks to ensure students were well-rested, had a healthy breakfast, and were early to school throughout IOWA testing.  As always, we are so grateful for your partnership!

Remote Learner Pick-up Today

There will be a remote learner pick-up today (May 7th) from 2:30 – 4:30pm outside the gymnasium doors.

SJS Children’s Mass This Sunday

This Sunday, May 9th at 9:00am we will have our monthly Children’s Mass at St. James Church.  We hope to see you there!

If you will not be attending Mass in person this weekend, please find below the link for St. James Parish’s Virtual Mass for this weekend:

Georgia O’Keeffe-Inspired Flowers

Attention Grade 8 Parents

Please make sure you received the email from Mrs. Zorger yesterday regarding graduation. If you did not receive it, please check your SPAM.

IOWA Testing Concludes Tomorrow

As a reminder, IOWA testing for students in Grades 3-7 will conclude tomorrow (Friday) morning.

Testing begins immediately after announcements and prayers so on-time arrival is of upmost importance.  If a student arrives after testing begins, the student will have to wait in the office until testing concludes so they do not disturb the other students.