Travel & Return to School Reminders

Saint James School will be closed next week (April 11 – 15) for our Spring Recess.  We have many students that will be traveling and enjoying this week with extended family and friends.  After a long winter season, we certainly are ready to enjoy some fun and relaxation!

A few reminders and notes for when we return on April 18th:

* We have seen an uptick in Covid cases here at school the last two weeks (as per our policy, only the grades impacted are notified) and we anticipate that cases could further spike when we return from break.  To avoid any classroom outbreaks, we ask that all students take a home Covid test on Monday morning before returning to school.  The nurse only needs to be notified of positive results.  If your child tests negative but has cold-like symptoms, please err on the side of caution and keep them home.  If traveling internationally, please refer to our travel policy:

* If you need a Covid test kit sent home, please email the school office or Mrs. Vignati and we will send them home with your student tomorrow (Friday).

* Please remember to send your student to school with a refillable water bottle every day.  The drinking fountains are still turned off and only the filling stations are available.

* Spring uniform begins when we return on April 18th.

* Lenten Rice Bowls are due when we return on April 18th.

We wish everyone has a blessed Easter and relaxing and fun break!