Congratulations SJS Class of 2018

8th Grade Class Gift

Last night parents, students, and staff celebrated the class of 2018 at the annual 8th grade awards banquet.  The class of 2018, in keeping with school tradition, left a gift to the school.   That gift was a beautiful welcome mat to grace the halls of Saint James School.  Thank you to all the 8th graders and 8th grade parents who contributed towards the class gift.  The mat is currently in production and will be delivered to the school shortly.

Coding Robots

Our elementary students are making great progress with the coding robots and having a lot of fun in the process.  Here are some pictures from Mrs. Phelan’s class yesterday.



Mother/Daughter Tea Pictures

June HSA Newsletter

Please take a few minutes to look at this month’s HSA Newsletter (click here to open) which highlights upcoming events, summaries past fundraisers, and explains where volunteer help is needed.

Last Book & Art Club of the Year

Staff Appreciation Luncheon THANK YOU

Drama Club Notice

Please note, tomorrow’s drama club session (May 31st) will be the last one for this school year.  Special thanks to Mr. Nicholes for all his time and efforts hosting this activity for our students!

2018-2019 Kindergarten Orientation


Orientation for all incoming Kindergarten students for the 2018-2019 school year will be held on June 11th.

This is an exciting day as the incoming Kindergartners meet their teacher and get to visit their Kindergarten classroom for the first time!  Summer meet-ups at the school for incoming K students (and their parent/s) will be announced at the Orientation.

All registered families have been notified, however if you know someone who is still considering our Kindergarten program, please have them touch base with Amy Guenther at 860.643.5088 (x8) – or via e-mail – as soon as possible, even if just for informational purposes.


Special Morning Drop Off

A huge Thank You to the Manchester Fire Department for donating “a ride to school in a fire truck” to our 2018 SJS Gala. This morning Ryan Rafferty from the Pre-Kindergarten, along with her mom, were able to enjoy this special treat! Special thanks to the Rafferty and Lerner families for their bid on this cool prize in support of our school!