Optional Varsity Gold Practice Sunday

Please note, Coach Creamer will be holding an optional practice for Varsity Gold players  (joining Varsity Blue) this Sunday from  1 pm to 3 pm.


Reminder: 12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday are 12:05pm dismissal days due to parent/teacher conferences.  If your child will be going to aftercare or staying after school for an activity, please remember to pack them a lunch for these two days.  No hot lunch is served on half days.


Reminder: 12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday are 12:05pm dismissal days due to parent/teacher conferences.  If your child will be going to aftercare or staying after school for an activity, please remember to pack them a lunch for these two days.  No hot lunch is served on half days.


Ski Club Update

Thank you to all the students who signed up for the 2014-2015 SJS Ski and Snowboard Club.  Due to an overwhelming response, the Ski and Snowboard Club is sold out and unable to accept any other students for this season.  If you would like to be placed on a wait list, please contact parent volunteer Denise McCarthy at d.mccarthy@neopost.com or 203-223-9496.  Thank you again for your overwhelming support of this club.  Details will be sent to the participants in the next few weeks.



SJS Basketball Gear

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day to place an order for SJS Basketball Gear.  Please note, the navy basketball pants/sweatpants may be worn on Gym days (as may the shorts during summer uniform times).

Basketball Gear Pics 2014

Basketball Order Form



Junior Achievement Pictures

Thank you to all the UCONN student volunteers who brought the Junior Achievement program to Saint James School on Friday.

Through Junior Achievement, our K-8th grade students spend an entire day working on basic concepts of business and economics at an age-appropriate level.  Each grade has a specific “curriculum” the facilitators present in addition to bringing their own real-life experiences into the discussion.

It’s a fun day that ties in concepts like money management, good communication skills, and entrepreneurship as well as economic concepts and facts about the working world.

Below are pictures from several of the classrooms:

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SJS Family Pasta Dinner

Final call for RSVPs: If you forgot to send in your form, please do so by Monday morning so we can submit our final headcount to Olive Garden.  Based on the RSVPs, we anticipate a great turnout!  We hope to see you there!

SJS Pasta Dinner Information & RSVP Form






Ski Club Sign-ups Due Tomorrow

Just a reminder that students in Grades 3-8 signing up for the SJS Ski Club need to submit their paperwork & payment to the school office by tomorrow.  Ski Club documents were sent home with students, are available in the office, or can also be found attached below.  All levels of skiers and snow boarders welcome!

Ski Club Information

SJS Ski Club Registration Form

Friday's Robotics Demonstration 2nd & 3rd Grade (with pictures)

On Friday, Saint James School 2nd and 3rd grade students enjoyed a robotics demonstration by Dr. Lin Lin, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Engineering Science & Computer Engineering Technology at Middlesex Community College.  Dr. Lin, a Saint James parent, is heading up a robotics program at the college featuring a NAO “humanoid” robot named Mixy.

During the presentation to students, Mixy introduced herself, walked, danced the Macarena, and told jokes.  Throughout the presentation, Dr. Lin discussed – in simple terms – robotics and programming and showed the students, on her computer, what the programming sequence for Mixy looks like.  Several students even had an opportunity to program commands for Mixy into the computer.  “Many of today’s 2nd and 3rd grade students will someday be instrumental in the future of robotics and engineering.  It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and be able to answer their questions,” said Dr. Lin following her presentation.

Below are some pictures from Friday morning.


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Friday’s Robotics Demonstration 2nd & 3rd Grade (with pictures)

On Friday, Saint James School 2nd and 3rd grade students enjoyed a robotics demonstration by Dr. Lin Lin, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Engineering Science & Computer Engineering Technology at Middlesex Community College.  Dr. Lin, a Saint James parent, is heading up a robotics program at the college featuring a NAO “humanoid” robot named Mixy.

During the presentation to students, Mixy introduced herself, walked, danced the Macarena, and told jokes.  Throughout the presentation, Dr. Lin discussed – in simple terms – robotics and programming and showed the students, on her computer, what the programming sequence for Mixy looks like.  Several students even had an opportunity to program commands for Mixy into the computer.  “Many of today’s 2nd and 3rd grade students will someday be instrumental in the future of robotics and engineering.  It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and be able to answer their questions,” said Dr. Lin following her presentation.

Below are some pictures from Friday morning.


IMG_9943 IMG_9918 IMG_9945 IMG_9944 IMG_9933IMG_9921 IMG_9937  IMG_9954