Author of the Year Project


CongratulatiIMG_0004ons to Kylie Rataic, the winner of the seventh grade Author of the Year project.  This month-long English Literature project had students utilizing research, creativity, persuasive writing, and presentation skills to campaign for a classic literary author of their choosing to be named Author of the Year.

There were three parts to the project: 1) creating a campaign poster, with a catchy slogan that incorporated the title of one of the author’s books; 2) creating an attention-grabbing campaign speech that included specific facts about the author; 3) creating a campaign jingle that used a familiar or made-up tune to highlight facts about the author.

After reviewing the posters and listening to all the campaign speeches and jingles, seventh grade students and teachers voted.  A winner was chosen in both the campaign speech category and the jingle category as well as an overall “Author of the Year” winner.

In the jingle category, seventh grader Justin Clark, who cleverly used the tune “Y-M-C-A” by the Village People to sing “V-O-T-E (for Henry David Thoreau),” tied for first place with Kylie’s “Don’t Stop Voting (for Agatha Christie),” which used the tune of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'”.

In the speech contest, Noah Percy’s campaign speech for C.S. Lewis tied for first with Kylie’s campaign speech for Agatha Christie.  The overall Author of the Year designation was won by Kylie for her author, Agatha Christie.


Below are some additional pictures from the project.


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Sixth Grade Plate Tectonics Lab

Monday’s sixth grade science lab used simple grocery items to illustrate what the students have been learning about plate tectonics.  Frosting, a fruit roll-up, and graham crackers represented the asthenosphere, oceanic plate, and continental plate.  By manipulating the layers based on Mrs. Plante’s instructions, students were able to see how plate movements can create Earth’s major geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and mountain building.

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Reminder: Non-Perishable Food Items

Just a reminder that our Student Council is collecting non-perishable food items (gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, beans, peas, gingerbread, etc.) or monetary donations for the St. Vincent de Paul Society to put together Thanksgiving meals for people in need.

If you wish to make a donation, students should bring donated items to their classroom by the morning of Monday, November 24th.  Student Council will collect all the items that morning (Monday, November 24th) and assemble them in the breezeway for pick-up by a St. Vincent de Paul Society representative.

Thank you for your support in helping provide those less fortunate with a wonderful Thanksgiving meal.



Basketball Gear

Please note, the basketball warmup gear order has been placed so no additional orders can be accepted by the office at this time.  Items should be available for pick-up in approximately two weeks.


Smoking Prevention Assembly

An fyi for parents and guardians, students in grades 5th – 8th will have a smoking prevention assembly tomorrow morning.


Fall Into Reading Pictures

Congratulations to the 1st grade classes on winning the Fall Into Reading contest sponsored by Mrs. Carpenter and the Saint James School library.  The first grade read a total of 203 books during the contest period.  For their efforts, the two first grade classes received a dress down day and “star reader” certificates.  Mrs. Carpenter said it was a close race and reminds everyone to keep on reading!

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Pasta Dinner

Thank You to everyone who came out for the Saint James School Family Pasta Dinner this past Friday.  We had over 130 people in attendance!  Also, a huge Thank You to the SJS parent volunteers who put this event together and made it a success.



Reminder: Upcoming Virtus Session

For anyone wishing to volunteer but still needing to complete the Virtus training, please note a session will be held on Tuesday, November 18th at Holy Family in Enfield at 6:00pm.  To see a list of all currently scheduled sessions, please click the link below and select Hartford, CT (Archdiocese).  To register for a session, scroll down to the “start registration” button.

Upcoming Virtus Sessions





Just a reminder from the Girls JV White coaches that the team will be practicing this Saturday from 12:45-2:30pm (this will be their regularly scheduled day/time).  Boys 4th & 5th grade teams are at their normally assigned times this Saturday.  Please refer to the Basketball page of the website for a complete schedule.

Important: Friday Morning Parking

Mrs. Kanute will be hosting a large meeting at Saint James School tomorrow.  She requests staff and parents DO NOT park on Otis Street or Park Street tomorrow.  For parents dropping off in the morning, you may still use these streets as long as your car is removed by 7:55am.  Thank you.