Morning Dropoff

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents if you are dropping off on Otis Street, you need to park on the side of the road and let your child out on the sidewalk.  If they are younger, please walk with them to the crosswalk and help them cross safely.  This morning parents were double parking and students were getting out into the road, causing a very unsafe situation.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.







Hats Off to Reading

Congratulations to our Hats Off to Reading contest winners:  1st grade!  The 1st graders read a total of 668 books, winning a dress down day and no homework night (teachers will let their classes know when the dress down day will occur).



HSA Meeting Tonight

Just a reminder that there is a Home & School Association (HSA) Meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the Pre-Kindergarten building.  All parents/grandparents/guardians of Saint James School students are invited to attend.  We will be discussing nominations for next year’s board, mixed bag fundraiser, water bottle fundraiser, and Father/Daughter dance.

No School Friday

A reminder that there is no school tomorrow (Friday) in observance of Good Friday.  On behalf of all of us at Saint James School, we wish you and your family a very Happy Easter!



2015 Gala Winners

Congratulations again to all the winners from the 2015 Gala!  If you won an item that was donated by a staff member (gym teacher for a class, lunch/snacks with a teacher, preferred seating at an event, etc.), please touch base with that respective staff member as soon as possible (if you have not already) for further details on redeeming your auction item.





3rd Graders Learn About Owls

Saint James School 3rd graders have been learning about small animals and habitats as part of their science lessons.  Each student researched and hand-wrote a book, with pictures, about an assigned animal.  This week, students dissected sanitized owl “pellets” (which contain the bones of their prey) as they learned about owls.  Pictures from this neat lesson are below.

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Hats Off to Reading Ends Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the Hats Off to Reading contest for Kindergarten through 5th Grade ends this Thursday, April 2nd!  The class with the most books read will win a dress down day and no homework night.  Please remind your child(ren) to keep reading.  Extra logs can be printed here if needed.




Saint James Classmates Connect Through Skype

Saint James School 5th grade students are remaining connected with a traveling classmate via Skype.  Ajay, who is visiting family in India, is using Skype to participate in select lessons with his classmates back at Saint James School.  In turn, students here at home are not only staying in touch with a friend, but learning more about the country of India (where it is currently 95 degrees!), as Ajay relays experiences about his visit.  In addition to classwork, the students are getting in some social time too – bringing an iPad to the lunch room so they could continue to chat with their friend.


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Father Daughter Dance Committee Meeting Tonight

The 2015 Father Daughter Dance Committee is looking for volunteers to help with planning and running this fun, annual event. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30pm in the PreK building.  All SJS parents/grandparents/guardians are welcome to attend.  Anyone interested in helping that can’t make the meeting, please contact Jen Grohs at (860) 670-0687.






Lenten Prayer Service Reminder

All students, faculty, parents, and other guests of our students are invited to join us in prayer tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 7-14.   Please take this time and/or encourage your child(ren) to join us in prayer for family, friends, peace, and other special intentions. Also, this will be a time of giving thanks for the many Blessings we have in our lives.