Jackets, Backpacks, Shoes, Beach Towels, Electronics, Spice Jars, Storage Bins, Sports Equipment, Books, and Bags….There’s a label for that, and more!
Please take a few moments to check out this great new fundraiser with “Mabel’s Labels.”
Find everything you need to label your child’s belongings for camp and school, to organize your pantry, and to keep track of personal belongings. There are also some great products for allergy awareness and household safety.
It’s so easy–order online with free shipping directly to your home and 20% of your purchase will be donated to SJS. Visit www.campaigns.mabelslabels.com. Click on “Select Your School/Organization.” Then hit ‘S’ and scroll through until you see St. James School (Manchester).
This fundraiser will run through August so you can have everything you need to be ready for summer camps and back-to-school.
Thanks for helping to support our school!
International Day 2016
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day on Wednesday. International Day is an annual project for the 8th Graders, where they showcase their research on an assigned country. Costumes, games, props, and traditional dishes are part of the festivities. Students in all the other grades have an opportunity to visit the showcase throughout the day and the 8th Graders share information about their assigned country. (click pictures to enlarge)
7th Grade NYC Field Trip
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe Saint James School 7th grade class recently visited New York City for a class field trip. In addition to a bus trip through the city, stops included the Statue of Liberty, 9-11 memorial, and the SeaGlass Carousel at the Battery Conservancy. Below are several pictures from the trip (Please click the pictures to enlarge). Special thanks to Mrs. Toomey for sending these in for everyone to enjoy.
Help Still Requested – Funding Cuts
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThank you to everyone who contacted their legislators in response to the cuts to state funded-transportation to and from schools. The Archdiocese and Catholic School Advocacy Groups are still looking for our support since the cuts have still not been finalized.
The link below contains a prepared e-mail message for elected officials about the critical need to protect our busing services. The page will isolate the sender’s legislators’ e-mail addresses based on his/her zip code and home address. It should only take a minute to complete and send directly from the link. Thank you for helping us preserve affordable Catholic education in the State of Connecticut.
You can read the original e-mail we sent HERE.
Thank you!
Congratulations – First Eucharist
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the boys and girls of Saint James School who received the sacrament of First Eucharist this past weekend! Below are a few pictures of this special event sent in by SJS families.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOn Wednesday, May 25th, the Home & School Association will host the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon. The luncheon takes place from 12:00 – 1:00pm in the cafeteria. We are in need of volunteers to provide portions of the meal. You can view those items by going to Perfectpotluck.com. Use the coordinator’s name: Santangelo, and password: 8662 or use the following link:
If you are interested in helping in any way, please email Amy Santangelo at: 860-573-6901 or amyBsantangelo@gmail.com
Please also note, there will be NO HOT LUNCH served on May 25th as the cafeteria will be in use for the luncheon. All students must bring a lunch from home on May 25th. There is a hot lunch item written on the May lunch calendar for that day, so please cross it off on your copy.
SJS Foundation Golf Outing
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to everyone who has committed to supporting the Saint James School Foundation Golf Outing on May 11th. We look forward to seeing all the golfers and friends of the school on Wednesday!
May Saber Stories
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease read the attached May Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Kanute.
Saturday's SJS Soccer Schedule
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenPlease see below for a list of this coming Saturday’s SJS Soccer games:
08:00am MCC-2 St. James-Blue vs St. James-Yellow
09:30am MCC-2 St. Bernard vs St. James-Royal
J V:
08:45am C/Oak-1 St. Bernard vs St. James-Ivory
09:30am C/Oak-1 St. Bridget-White vs St. James-Ivory
09:30am C/Oak-3 St. Martha-Black vs St. James-Pearl
10:15am C/Oak-2 St. James-Pearl vs St. Paul
11:00am C/Oak-2 St. Edward vs St. James-Cobalt
11:45am C/Oak-2 St. James-Cobalt vs St. Gabriel-White
11:30am MCC-3 St. Christopher vs St. James-Gold
12:15pm MCC-1 St. James-Gold vs St. Bridget-Green
Saturday’s SJS Soccer Schedule
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease see below for a list of this coming Saturday’s SJS Soccer games:
08:00am MCC-2 St. James-Blue vs St. James-Yellow
09:30am MCC-2 St. Bernard vs St. James-Royal
J V:
08:45am C/Oak-1 St. Bernard vs St. James-Ivory
09:30am C/Oak-1 St. Bridget-White vs St. James-Ivory
09:30am C/Oak-3 St. Martha-Black vs St. James-Pearl
10:15am C/Oak-2 St. James-Pearl vs St. Paul
11:00am C/Oak-2 St. Edward vs St. James-Cobalt
11:45am C/Oak-2 St. James-Cobalt vs St. Gabriel-White
11:30am MCC-3 St. Christopher vs St. James-Gold
12:15pm MCC-1 St. James-Gold vs St. Bridget-Green
Reminder: Mabel's Labels Fundraiser
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenJackets, Backpacks, Shoes, Beach Towels, Electronics, Spice Jars, Storage Bins, Sports Equipment, Books, and Bags….There’s a label for that, and more!
Please take a few moments to check out this great new fundraiser with “Mabel’s Labels.”
Find everything you need to label your child’s belongings for camp and school, to organize your pantry, and to keep track of personal belongings. There are also some great products for allergy awareness and household safety.
It’s so easy–order online with free shipping directly to your home and 20% of your purchase will be donated to SJS. Visit www.campaigns.mabelslabels.com. Click on “Select Your School/Organization.” Then hit ‘S’ and scroll through until you see St. James School (Manchester).
This fundraiser will run through August so you can have everything you need to be ready for summer camps and back-to-school.
Thanks for helping to support our school!