Spirit Socks are In!

The Saber Spirit Socks are in and will be going home next week with students who ordered them.  If parents do not want the socks going home with their student/s, please email Mrs. Talaga at jtalaga94@gmail.com by Thursday to arrange for pick-up.

No Choir Tomorrow

As a reminder, there is no Choir tomorrow – Wednesday, December 11th

Szopka Club Notice

If your child/ren made a Szopka, it must be picked up from the lower Church by Thursday.  Thank You.

Kindergarten Manger STEM Project

Immaculate Conception School Mass on Monday

This coming Monday, December 9th, students in grades 1-8 and staff will attend Mass at St. James Church at 9:15am. As always, our SJS Parents/Grandparents are welcome to attend Mass with us (please sit in the back few rows of the pews).

Monday’s Mass will also be in memory of Sister Clarice, a long-time teacher at Saint James School who passed away this summer.

Seventh grade students that have gym on Mondays should come to school in their standard winter uniform and may bring their gym clothes to change into.

Monday Hot Lunch Change

Monday’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Pasta and Meatballs with a Garden Salad.

St. Nicholas Day

A popular tradition in Northern Europe, St. Nick celebrations include leaving a shoe by the fireplace, in which children later find a treat or gift (the origin of our American Christmas stockings).

Downtown Manchester Tree Lighting Last Night

Last night our school choir put on a wonderful performance at the Downtown Manchester Tree Lighting on the St. James Church lawn.  It was great to see so many SJS families (even those that didn’t have students in the choir) come out to enjoy the festivities!


Boys & Girls Varsity Recap

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow & NO Aftercare

As a reminder, tomorrow – Friday, December 6th, is a 12:05pm dismissal day for our school.  No aftercare is available this Friday so all students must be picked up at 12:05pm.  Please plan accordingly.