Reminder: Updated Covid Information

Within recent weeks the Connecticut Department of Health (DPH) and the State Department of Education (SDE) have released updated guidance regarding Covid exposures, quarantines, and return to play guidelines.  We wanted to take a moment to share some updates and reiterate our policies here at Saint James School.

Exposures – At School

Parents will continue to be notified by email when there is a positive case within their child’s classroom.  For older grades (5-8), both homerooms will be notified since students intermingle throughout the day for some subjects.  Due to the mitigation strategies in place at school, students/staff will not be required to quarantine.

Exposures – Outside School (or during Extra Curricular Activities)

Exposures outside of school will necessitate the following protocols:

*Unvaccinated (or partially vaccinated) individuals who are exposed to a Covid-positive individual outside the school setting must quarantine for a minimum of 5 days after the last date of exposure and then take a Covid test on Day 5 of their quarantine. If the individual is negative and remains asymptomatic after Day 5, the individual may return to school but must be masked at all times through Day 10.

*When the exposed individual cannot be isolated from the positive case (such as when there is a household exposure), then the quarantine for the exposed person extends to 10 days.  If the exposed person remains asymptomatic at the end of 10 days, a negative Covid test (taken on day 10) must be emailed to Mrs. Vignati prior to returning to school.

*Students and staff will need to be cleared by the school nurse before returning to the classroom.

*Fully vaccinated individuals who are exposed to a positive case of Covid are not required to quarantine as long as they remain asymptomatic.  If there is a household exposure, however, (parent, sibling, etc.), the situation must be discussed with the school nurse prior to the student returning to the classroom regardless of vaccination status.

You can view a chart of the above information here

Positive Covid Cases

*If a student or staff member tests positive for Covid, they should isolate for at least 5 days, beginning the day after the test was taken.  Students may not return to school until they are fever free for at least 24 hours (without medicine) and other symptoms have significantly improved.

*Please email a picture of the positive test (if using a home test kit) or the documented test result (if test is through a healthcare provider) to Mrs. Vignati.

*Students and staff will need to be cleared by the school nurse before returning to the classroom.

Home Tests 

Saint James School will accept home tests to indicate Covid-positive or negative results.  Please take a picture of the test result and the box indicating the brand of test.  These photos should be sent via email to the school nurse (  Indicate the date the test was taken and the individual that took the test.

Extracurricular Activity Reminder

Please remember students may not participate in any school-sponsored extracurricular activities while in quarantine.

Return-to-Play after COVID-19 Infection

Although the symptoms and disease course of Covid in younger people appear on average to be somewhat milder than those of older individuals, there is the potential, and documented cases, of severe disease complications in people of all ages.  The long-term health effects and impacts on organ systems function resulting from even mild or asymptomatic Covid disease is still unknown, although there have been some studies implicating blood clotting and cardiac effects as potentially under-recognized longer-term impacts.

As such, the Archdiocese of Hartford is requiring that all youth athletes ages 12+ (and strongly encouraging all athletes younger than 12) receive a health screening and clearance letter from their healthcare provider prior to resuming athletic activities (extracurricular sports) after recovering from Covid. The Post-Covid athletic health screening and a phased approach to a return to athletic activities should incorporate the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) guidance for Return to Sports and Physical Activity.

Clearance from your child’s pediatrician should be emailed to Mrs. Zorger ( or Faxed to the school office at (860) 649-6462.

STEM Club Full

Please note that Monday’s STEM Club for 1st Grade is full.

Vaccine Card Reminder

A reminder from the school nurse:  If your child has received, or will be receiving, the Covid vaccine please submit a copy of their completed vaccine card (showing both doses) to the school nurse.  An updated copy should be submitted if/when a booster is completed.  A copy can be either emailed to Mrs. Vignati (her email is: or copied and sent into school in a secure envelope with the student.

Pre-K Winter Fun

Thank you to Mrs. Fitzgerald for these cute pictures of our Pre-K4 friends enjoying some winter fun indoors and outside yesterday.

1st Grade STEM Club

A STEM Club session will be held after school on Monday, January 31 for students in 1st grade.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Permission Form below.  There are a limited number of spaces so students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

STEM Club Permission Slip, 013122, 1st Grade

Celebrating 2-2-22 (tutu day!)

Saint James School invites students to wear their favorite Tutu to school on Wednesday, February 2nd in celebration of international Tutu day (2-2-22).  If wearing a tutu isn’t of interest to your student, this will also be a Tie Dye dress down day.

Book & Art Club Gr. 3 & 4

The next Book & Art Club for students in grades 3 & 4 will be held after school on Thursday, February 10th.  If your student would like to participate, please RSVP using the permission slip below.

Book & Art Club Permission Slip

STEM Club is Full

Please note that the January 24th STEM Club is full.

Congratulations K of C Contest Winners

Saint James School 8th grade students recently participated in the Knights of Columbus Essay Contest, writing on the topic of, “Trusting in God During a Difficult Time.”  Congratulations to…

Morning Arrival Reminders

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents of the importance of getting your child/ren to school on time each morning.  We understand tardy arrivals on days that are unexpectedly slippery or  (i.e., yesterday morning and last week), but we have many students that are coming in late on a regular basis. This is disruptive to the teachers and the classroom. We ask that you plan to leave the house 5 – 10 minutes earlier each day if you find you are not getting to school on time.

Drop & Go

If your family is using the drop-off area in front of the school, please remember that your student(s) must be fully ready to exit the car when you pull up (coat on, backpack within reach) prior to exiting the car.  This is intended to be a quick drop-off area.   Please put on your blinker and pull away once your student has safely exited the car onto the sidewalk.

If your student needs a few extra moments before exiting the car or needs items in the trunk, etc., please instead park in one of the authorized parking areas.

Otis Street

If you are traveling up Otis Street towards the school in the morning (Forest to Otis), please do not drop your student(s) off.   Students should ONLY be getting out of the car on the side of the road where parking is permitted.  This road is too busy and too narrow for drop-offs to occur on the “wrong” side.

Thank you for your attention to these important items.