Morning Arrival Reminders

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents of the importance of getting your child/ren to school on time each morning.  We understand tardy arrivals on days that are unexpectedly slippery or  (i.e., yesterday morning and last week), but we have many students that are coming in late on a regular basis. This is disruptive to the teachers and the classroom. We ask that you plan to leave the house 5 – 10 minutes earlier each day if you find you are not getting to school on time.

Drop & Go

If your family is using the drop-off area in front of the school, please remember that your student(s) must be fully ready to exit the car when you pull up (coat on, backpack within reach) prior to exiting the car.  This is intended to be a quick drop-off area.   Please put on your blinker and pull away once your student has safely exited the car onto the sidewalk.

If your student needs a few extra moments before exiting the car or needs items in the trunk, etc., please instead park in one of the authorized parking areas.

Otis Street

If you are traveling up Otis Street towards the school in the morning (Forest to Otis), please do not drop your student(s) off.   Students should ONLY be getting out of the car on the side of the road where parking is permitted.  This road is too busy and too narrow for drop-offs to occur on the “wrong” side.

Thank you for your attention to these important items.