Entries by Saint James School

Updated Calendars

The attached calendars have been updated to reflect the changes announced yesterday.  These files are also available under the “Calendars, Forms & Docs” link on the saintjamesschool.net homepage. Calendar Pages 2012-2013 updated School Calendar 2012-2013 updated  

Read To Achieve Winners

Please note that all students who successfully completed the Read To Achieve Challenge will be receiving a form home in their folders today with information and an order form for tickets.  Ticket orders must be returned to the school by March 1st.

2013-2014 Enrollment Forms Due Today

Just a reminder that returning family registration paperwork is due back to the school office today.  If you were not able to submit your paperwork by today, Mrs. Kanute asks that you please send it on Wedensday 2/20.  Thank you.   Registration Letter ’13-’14 Family Registration Form ’13-’14 Tuition Contract Parish Affiliation Form Extended Day Registration Form   […]

Hot Lunch Menu Changes For This Week

Please note that due to the snow days, the hot lunch menu for this week is being modified as follows: Wednesday:  Chicken Nuggets, Seasoned Noodles, Steamed Carrots, Choice of Fruit Thursday:  Beef Burger/Cheeseburger or Veggie Burger on a Whole Wheat Roll, Lettuce & Tomato, Corn, Choice of Fruit. Friday: Pizza Wedge, Four Bean Salad, Choice […]

Box Top Winner For January

Congratulations to Mrs. Wojtyna‘s 5th Grade class for winning the January Box Top Contest with 620 Box Tops collected.  Mrs. Wojtyna will be announcing the date for the class’ dress down day shortly. Coming in second place for January was Mrs. Camposeo’s class with 313 Box Tops. Collection for February has begun…please remember to keep […]

Saint James School 5th Graders Set Sail For the New World

Today, Saint James School 5th Graders participated in the special tradition known as “Ship Day.”  Dressed in period clothes and without any modern comforts, the two 5th grade classes set sail for the new world. The morning started with the “bag checkers” looking through each emigrant’s bag and taking out any items that would not […]

Middle School Dance (2/8)

Once a year, Saint James School gives its students the opportunity to bring a friend to one of our middle school dances hosted at Saint James School. On February 8th, Saint James School students (only) may invite a friend to come to the dance with them. The friend must bring a signed permission slip to […]