Entries by Saint James School

Congratulations SJS Kindergarteners!

It was a big day at the school today for our Kindergarten students (and their families) as they graduated from the Kindergarten program.  Congratulations to our Saint James School Kindergartners (and their families)!   Have a wonderful, relaxing summer and we’ll look forward to seeing you back in the fall for First Grade.

IMPORTANT – Please Read: Lunch Account Statements

Lunch account statements will be coming home in the children’s folders today (negative balances) and tomorrow (all others).  If your statement shows a negative balance, please note that you MUST pay your remaining balance by the beginning of the day MONDAY.  If you currently have a negative balance, your child will not be able to […]

Congratulations to our 8th Graders!

Congratulations to the Saint James School Class of 2013 which will graduate this evening.  You have grown up before our eyes and we hope you take with you many wonderful memories of your time here at Saint James.  We wish you continued success in your high school and college careers.  Please remember to stop back […]

Grades K-8: Important Reminders From The Nurse

Incoming 7th grade students for Fall 2013:  Current physical exams are required in order to enter grade 7 in August 2013.  Currently there are many students in grade 6 that do not have updated physical and immunization records in their school health file.  Please keep in mind that your child may have had a physical, […]