IMPORTANT – Please Read: Lunch Account Statements

Lunch account statements will be coming home in the children’s folders today (negative balances) and tomorrow (all others).  If your statement shows a negative balance, please note that you MUST pay your remaining balance by the beginning of the day MONDAY.  If you currently have a negative balance, your child will not be able to buy hot lunch again until you have sent in money to cover the balance plus that current day’s lunch.

If your lunch account statement is positive, please make sure that you have enough money in your account to cover your child(ren)’s hot lunch purchases through the end of the school year.  Children will not be allowed to purchase hot lunch unless they bring cash or have money in their account to cover the purchase.

If you have any questions about your lunch account statement, please contact Nancy – our cafeteria manager – by calling 860.643.5088 (press 5 on the main menu) during the hours of 8am-10:30am or after 1:00pm.

We thank you for your support and commitment to ensure sure all lunch accounts are paid in full by the end of the school year.  As mentioned previously, the school is going to be billed for parent’s unpaid lunch account money and we need to take proactive steps to prevent this from happening.  We are also continuing to work with the town of Manchester to try bringing our lunch account program online for parents to be able to access from home.