Entries by Saint James School

Middle School Dance – October 25th @ St. Chris

The first middle school dance of the year is scheduled for next Friday, October 25th at St. Christopher School in East Hartford.  The Middle School Dances – which are for students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th – begin at 7:00pm and run until 10:00pm.  A signed permission slip is required for entry.  The 2013-2014 […]

Reminder: State of the School Presentation Tonight

Just a reminder that tonight we will be holding the Saint James “State of the School” Address in the school gym at 6:30pm.  Please join us as we review the school’s performance in critical areas, outline our goals for the year, and share additional details surrounding projects the school is working on.  In addition, Mr. […]

Eastern Regional Band Performance This Saturday at SJS

Saturday at 1:00pm, Saint James School will host a performance by the CT Future Musicians Eastern Regional Band.  The Eastern Regional Band is comprised of 89 specially selected students from all across the eastern part of the state, including 11 students from Saint James School.  There is no charge for admission and all are welcome […]

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Based on positive feedback from our Spring Yankee Candle fundraiser, we are sending home with your child the Yankee Candle Fall/Holiday catalog.  Some students will bring them home today, others will receive them to bring home on Tuesday. Orders can be placed until 10/25/2013 (note extension from the date in the packet) so that we […]

2013-2014 Middle School Dances

The Middle School Dances bring together 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from four area Catholic schools – Saint James, Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Assumption – for a fun evening of dancing and socializing. Please note, a Middle School Dance Chair (or Co-Chairs) are needed in order for the 2013-2014 Middle School Dances to happen.  […]

Veterans Day Celebration at SJS

Calling all family members of SJS students who have served – or are currently serving – in the armed forces.  On November 11, 2013 we will be having a special ceremony in your honor.  Please take a moment to read the attached notice sent home by the school earlier this week.