Entries by Saint James School

Cops & Kids Program

During the week of April 7th, we will be conducting a special program in conjunction with the Manchester Police Department called Cops & Kids.  Officer Patricia of the Manchester Police Department will be teaching a 30-minute class to each grade level.  The topics for each class are as follows: Kindergarten – Officer Recognition First Grade […]

Manchester Police Visit With Kindergartners

Police Officers from the town of Manchester and a K-9 Officer from Hartford visited the Saint James School Kindergarten classes today as students presented their show-and-tell on the letter ‘P.’  Officer Johnson, who joined us today, is an alum of Saint James School and a relative of one of our students.  Another student brought in […]

Yearbook Orders Due Tomorrow – 3/28

Just a reminder for parents, if you will be ordering a yearbook for your child(ren), orders and payment by check are due back to the school tomorrow.  Please note, we do not order extra yearbooks, so please make sure to turn in an order now if you wish to purchase one.  

Basketball Uniforms

All boys and girls basketball players, please return your basketball uniform to Mr. Green or the school office as soon as possible.  Please put the uniform in a bag with your name on it.   Thank you!    

SJS Soccer Season Begins Next Week

While it doesn’t feel like spring yet, our Soccer program is scheduled to begin next week!  The official start of the 2014 Soccer season is April 5th for the varsity teams (Grades 6, 7 and 8) and April 12 for the JV teams (Grades 3, 4 and 5).   If you have not confirmed that […]

Saint James School “Now Enrolling” Lawn Signs

The Saint James School “Blue Ribbon/Now Enrolling” lawn signs are out of storage and looking for homes (literally).  If you live in a medium to high traffic area and are willing to put a sign on your lawn in support of Saint James School, we would appreciate it!  Signs are available in the main office […]