Entries by Saint James School

Marking Period Extended

Due to the two snow days, the marking period will be extended through Tuesday, March 13th.  Students should be prepared to take any tests they had scheduled for these days off, when we return to school tomorrow.  With the extension of the marking period, report cards will be distributed on March 20th.

Important: Thursday Schedule

Tomorrow – Thursday, March 8th – is scheduled to be a 12:05pm dismissal day.  If school begins at 7:55am as usual, we will still have early dismissal at 12:05pm.  Students going to aftercare tomorrow will need a LUNCH FROM HOME. ***IF there is a 90-minute delay tomorrow morning, we will dismiss at 2:05pm tomorrow since […]

Yearbook Order Forms

Yearbook order forms are being sent home with your child/ren this week (except the 8th graders, who will automatically receive one at no charge). Orders are due back to the homeroom teacher by March 23rd.

Please Voice Your Support For Catholic Schools

Dear Catholic School Supporters: On March 8th there is public hearing in the Education Committee for a bill that calls for a study of Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) and their potential effect in Connecticut.  ESAs grant parents access to all or a portion of the money allocated toward their child’s government school education, to use […]

Crossing Guard Help

We are in need of a substitute crossing guard for next week — March 12th – 16th.  We would need help from 7:15am – 8:00am and you would be compensated for your time.  If anyone is available to help, please contact Mrs. Zorger at bzorger@saintjamesschool.net as soon as possible.

Soirée Spotlight

RSVPs are still being accepted through this coming Friday!!  Don’t miss out on the FUN!! Among this year’s auction items: *Reserved seating for 8th grade graduation (2018) *Reserved front row seating for Spring Concert (Instrumental Band and 3rd Grade recorders)- May 7, 2018 (8 seats) *Reserved front row seating for Grades K-5 Grandparents Day- October, […]

SJS Basketball Games

The Saint James School  girls varsity team will play for the Deanery title this Wednesday, March 7th at 6:00pm at Corpus Christi.  Our JV Boys (6th grade) team will play St. Mary’s school for the Deanery title this coming Thursday at Corpus Christi School in Wethersfield at 6:00pm.  Good luck Sabers!!  

Hats off to Reading Contest

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Mrs. Carpenter is kicking off another fun reading contest for the Kindergarten through 6th grade classes.  Reading logs will be passed out in library this week & details on the contest will be discussed.  The grade with the most books read during the contest will win a dress down […]