Entries by Saint James School

Christmas Wreath Orders Due Tomorrow

Christmas wreath orders are due Friday (12/15).  To place an order, please see the order form by clicking here.  Once your order is placed, you will receive your redeemable coupon(s), sent home with your child.  Please note: coupons have a “use by”date of  December 18th.  Should you have any questions, contact Jackie Smith, jacqmsmith@gmail.com.

Middle School Dance Tomorrow Evening

The next Middle School dance will be held this Friday, December 15th at St. Bridget School. The dress code for this dance is semi-formal attire. Please remember, students must bring the completed permission slip and the $5.00 entrance fee with them to the dance.  Attendees are also asked to bring a non-perishable food donation. Dance […]

Christmas Collection Due Tomorrow

Our Saint James School Student Council will be collecting donations to help bring some “Comfort and Joy” to tweens and teens in Manchester this Christmas season. The gifts we collect will be passed on to MACC Charities to distribute at their annual Christmas party and will specifically be used for kids aged 10 – 14. […]

Tree of Blessings Due Tomorrow

Saint James School is hosting our 15th Annual Tree of Blessings Ceremony to honor loved ones and remember those who have passed. A beautifully designed cardstock ornament with a loved one’s name will be hung on our school Christmas tree. A prayer service will then be held on December 20th at 8:15am and the students […]

Christmas Store Weds and Thurs

Wednesday and Thursday students will be visiting the Christmas store with their class.  Everyone should have received a flyer home with their student(s) indicating the day each class is visiting.  A copy of the flyer can be found here. Please be sure your child(ren) are sent to school with cash (in small bills preferably) for shopping on the appropriate […]

Grade 4 Biography Reports

Public speaking is just one of the many important skills that students practice regularly at Saint James School. For this month’s book report, 4th grade students read a biography, made an informational poster, and presented their research to the class. Dressing as the subject of their report was optional, but those who dressed up enjoyed […]

Cookies and Card Outreach

Due to Saturday’s snow, the Cookies & Card event was unfortunately canceled; however, the cookies and cards were still delivered to the residents of The Village to enjoy on Sunday.  Thank you to Mrs. Sabatella for helping our students make beautiful cards and to all the families that helped bake 60 dozen cookies!  We look […]