Entries by Saint James School

Saint James School Foundation Golf Outing

On behalf of all of us at Saint James School, we wish to extend our sincere appreciation to the many friends of the school who participated in the Foundation’s golf tournament and dinner yesterday!  With over 120 people golfing and even more attending the dinner, Saint James School is extremely blessed to have such wonderful […]

ESA Follow-Up Note

Thank you to all the Saint James School families who contacted their elected officials about Educational Savings Accounts from Tuesday’s e-mail (https://saintjamesschool.net/your-voice-helps/).  It came back to us that SJS school parents did a great job making their voice heard – with many families making calls or sending e-mails to their state representative in support of […]

2017-2018 Sports Banquet RSVP Due Tomorrow

The annual SJS Sports Banquet – for students that ran cross country, played JV or Varsity basketball, or will be playing soccer this year – will be held on Tuesday, May 15th from 5:30pm – 8:00pm at the East Catholic High School cafeteria.  An informational flyer with RSVP information is below.  RSVPs are due to […]

Board Game Club Thank You

A huge THANK YOU to SJS parent volunteer Mrs. Piotrowski for hosting our after school Board Game Club this year and to all our students who participated!!  Yesterday was the last Board Game Club session of the school year.  Mrs. Piotrowski said she looks forward to another round of fun and games next year!

School Mass Tomorrow

There will be a school-wide Mass tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  As always, parents are welcome to attend (please sit in the back few pews). Please note, students that have gym on Thursdays should come to school in their REGULAR uniform.  Teachers will be letting students know if gym uniforms should […]

SJS June Calendar Updates

This notice was originally sent out in March, however we felt a reminder would be appropriate: Below please find an updated June Events Calendar showing the new dates for our year-end activities.  Please note, 8th grade graduation day is the LAST DAY of School for 8th grade students, Pre-K graduation and K graduation dates mark […]

IMPORTANT: Your Voice Helps!

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Grandparents: Please see the information below regarding a proposal for the State of Connecticut to further study the possibility of Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) for families.  ESAs would provide funding for each family to use for the educational choice for their own children.  If a family chooses a Catholic school, the […]