Entries by Saint James School

Attention Middle School Families

Middle school families (grades 6-8) are kindly asked to add following to your supply purchase for science: two (2) 3-subject spiral notebooks (8.5×11 size/usually Mead or Five-Star)  (one will be used for the Fall, and a second in the Spring) glue sticks   These do not need to come on the first day, you can […]

School Bus Routes

For Manchester K-8 Students that signed up for the bus, please use THIS LINK to view morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times.  Students in the younger grades must have a parent/grandparent waiting at the stop for the bus driver to release your child off the bus.

First Day Notes

As a reminder, the first Day of School for K-8 students is this Thursday, August 29th.  As per typical 1st day of school protocol: Parents: please remember to park in the Saint James Church parking lot and walk up with your student(s).  Please do NOT park in any of the teacher parking lots. Students should […]

Have a GREAT Summer!

As another year of learning comes to a close we wish to Thank You again for choosing to be part of the Saint James School family, and for the various ways that each of you help make Saint James School such a special place! The past year has been filled with many great learning opportunities: […]

HSA Gives: St. Baldrick’s Reminder

Our HSA Gives/St. Baldrick’s event is fast approaching! Kids and parents are all ready for cooler, easier hairstyles for the warmer weather, so how about making a difference while you make a change? You don’t have to shave your head (but it could be fun!).  You can also get a buzz cut or trim up […]


IOWA test results for students in grades 3 – 7 are coming home today with your child/ren in a sealed envelope today.  They have been asked to give this information to you this afternoon when they get home so please remind them if they forget.

Buddy Families Needed

Please help us welcome new families and friends to Saint James School by signing up to be a 2019 Buddy Family (click here to sign up to be a Buddy Family). A Buddy Family is any current Saint James family that is willing to be a resource for questions that a new, incoming (K-8) family […]

Field Day Today

Mrs. Zorger would like to thank all our families for being flexible and helping ensure our kids had a GREAT field day today despite the rain.  Definitely a nice way for them to spend the next to last day of school, being out of the classroom and having fun with their classmates/friends.  Thank you to […]