Entries by Saint James School

Discovering Today’s Catholic Schools

This week Catholic schools across the area have been celebrating Discover Catholic Schools in New England week, a time to encourage and inspire people to learn more about their local Catholic schools.  As such, we have been capturing footage of our students in various classes, to give prospective families a glimpse of what it’s like […]

Reminder: Please Join Us! SJS Children’s Mass This Sunday

This Sunday, November 10th at 9:00am, Saint James School will host our monthly Children’s Mass with SJS students serving as readers, ushers, and gift bearers.  Our school choir will also be performing and Coffee, Juice & Donuts will be served in the church hall (downstairs) immediately following Mass. All Saint James School students and their […]

Reminder: Veterans’ Celebration

For families that have guests attending the Veterans’ Day Ceremony on Monday, please let them know the gymnasium doors will open at 8:45am and the event will begin at 9:00am.  We are looking forward to welcoming and honoring our special guests!

Upcoming Early Dismissal Days

As a reminder, Saint James School will have early dismissal (12:05pm) on Tuesday, November 19th and Wednesday, November 27th.  Aftercare will be in session on both days but students will need to bring a lunch from home.  There is no school on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th for Thanksgiving Recess.

HSA Meeting Tonight

The November HSA evening meeting will be held tonight (11/7) at 7:00pm in the cafeteria.  Please park in the breezeway lot and ring the breezeway buzzer when you arrive. A morning meeting will be held Friday (11/8) at 8am in the Saint James Church hall/basement (this will be a very informal meeting so please feel […]

NEW: Choir Notice

The Saint James School choir will be singing this Sunday 11/10 at 9:00. Please have your children to church by 8:30 as the choir loft doors will be locked at 8:45. Thank you!