Entries by Saint James School

Last Call: Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids Drive

As you may recall from earlier emails, our local Knights of Columbus has been collecting new or gently used and clean Winter Coats to donate to local families in need.  Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Sweaters & Sweatshirts also welcome!   The final call for donations is this Friday, December 11th.   Donations this week can be sent into […]

Important Notice

Within the past hour we have received notification that all Manchester Public Schools (MPS) will temporarily move to full remote learning, beginning Monday, due to the growing number of quarantined MPS staff members and students. Please note, at this time, Saint James School is NOT impacted by the shut down and will continue to offer […]

4th Grade Art Lesson

In their weekly art class, 4th grade students learned about American artist, animator, and designer Mary Blair (designer of Disney’s “It’s A Small World”) and created their own Mary Blair inspired works of art.

SJS Advanced Band Featured

The SJS Advanced Band was asked to perform for this year’s (virtual) Holiday of Main celebration. You can watch them HERE (or on our SJS Facebook page) with a special introduction from Santa and Prancer. Great job Sabers!

Box Tops Winner For December

The winner of the December Box Tops Contest is (once again!) kindergarten. The teachers will let students/parents know when the dress down day will occur. Please remember to keep clipping physical box tops and if you have not already done so, please download the new Box Tops App so you can scan receipts to earn […]

St. Nicholas Day at SJS

In keeping with tradition, our Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd Grade students left one shoe outside their classroom this morning in celebration of St. Nicholas Day (Feast Day of St. Nicholas). More commonly observed in Northern Europe…