3rd Grade Art
SJS 3rd graders have been learning about Pop Art and famous Pop Artists, creating these brightly colored, 3D works of art that pay tribute to…
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Saint James School contributed a whooping 5359 entries.
SJS 3rd graders have been learning about Pop Art and famous Pop Artists, creating these brightly colored, 3D works of art that pay tribute to…
The Home & School Association has moved their virtual meeting to this coming Tuesday, March 9th at 6:00pm in hopes that more people can attend. The Zoom information is as follows: Topic: SJS HSA Meeting Time: Mar 9, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7226183621?pwd=a3NNd2F5SzFaNGlBMGU3RFFWUXFxdz09 Meeting ID: 722 618 3621 […]
As a reminder, Saint James School will have early dismissal days (12:05pm) tomorrow – Wednesday, March 10th – and Thursday, March 11th. Students going to Aftercare on those days will need a lunch from home (no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days).
As a reminder, our Hats Off To Reading Contest for grades K-6 is currently underway! As part of promoting fun with reading, today our SJS Librarian brought Ms. Frizzle from pages of The Magic Schoolbus to the younger grade classrooms.
The Saint James Middle School Robotics Club has been meeting weekly to prepare for the upcoming virtual robotics competition being hosted by the Archdiocese of Hartford. The competition…
We are excited to announce that plans are underway for the 2021 Connecticut Catholic School Spring Soccer Season! The season will run from mid April through early June and will follow the CIAC Health and Safety Protocol for spring sports. Students in grades 3 – 8 are eligible to participate in the soccer program and […]
For each remote learner in your family, please let us know if they will return to in-person learning on March 25th or if they will continue as a remote learner through the end of the year. Please respond either way (returning or not returning) by Tuesday, March 9th. https://forms.gle/iRCtQMnqFx3JWRUZ8
When using the drop-and-go line in the mornings, please ensure that you pay full attention when pulling back out into the flow of traffic. * Please do not “watch” your child walking into the school while pulling out into traffic; * Please use your blinker and take a moment to check your mirrors and surrounding […]
As you might recall, each year Saint James School hosts a “State of the School” meeting to talk about our school’s performance in critical areas and outline major initiatives. This year, due to the pandemic, we have put together the following informational State of the School video to share with our school community: https://youtu.be/MEAJKini8W4
Report Cards for the second trimester will be sent home with students today (remote learners will have report cards with their pick-up items this afternoon).