Entries by Saint James School

Attention Remote Learner Families

On December 7th, you should have received an email asking if your remote learner(s) will be returning to the classroom after Christmas break.  As a reminder, if you have not already completed the form, responses should be submitted by tomorrow Wednesday, December 14th.  As noted in the email, if you do not wish for your […]


This morning with all the technology issues Google was having, we sent out 2 notifications to parents and faculty via the SJS App.  If you did not receive them, please take a moment to check that you are still logged into the SJS App (the Google issues may have logged out some devices).  If you […]

Air Purifiers Added In Classrooms

We are pleased to announce that the Saint James School Foundation, through their annual allocation to the school, will be helping to fund the purchase and installation of the custom air purifiers that were installed in all of our school’s classrooms this week.  These purifiers use a combination of ultra violet light and hepa filtration, […]

12:05pm Dismissal Day Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow – Friday, December 11th – is a 12:05pm Dismissal Day.  Aftercare will be in session.  If your child will be going to Aftercare on Friday, they will need a lunch and drink from home (there is no cafeteria service on early dismissal days).

Tomorrow $1.00+ Comfy Clothes/PJ Dress Down for CCMC

This Friday, December 11th, students may wear “comfy” clothes (sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts) or weather- & school-appropriate PJs to school for a minimum $1.00 donation.  All money collected, which should come to school with the student next Friday, and will benefit the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. CCMCs annual PJ […]

Tonight: Virtual HSA Meeting

There will be a virtual HSA meeting this evening – Thursday, December 10th – at 7:00pm. All SJS parents/guardians are welcome to join.  Please use this link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7226183621?pwd=ZkFLTTV2ME5HNW8zcVNabWRLZU9wdz09