Entries by Saint James School

Notice about Catholic Sacraments

Information regarding Baptism, First Penance, and First Communion for ALL SJS Catholic Families: * If you have a child who has not received the sacrament of Baptism, regardless of age, and you would like for them to do so this school year, please reach out to Rachel Bursiewicz, Leader of Religious Education at Manchester Catholic […]

Thanksgiving Fun

Our students have been participating in lots of fun, educational and faith-based, Thanksgiving activities over the past few weeks.  Here are some pictures of Mrs. Moran’s 3rd graders with their letters from “Tom Turkey” declining an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner…

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow – Wednesday (11/24) – is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session, but all students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home.  There will be no school on Thursday or Friday (11/25 and 11/26) for the Thanksgiving recess.  School will resume on Monday, November 29th. […]

Last Call: Christmas Wreath Fundraiser

Decorate your home for Christmas with fresh Balsam wreaths from the Gozzi Family Farm. Wreaths are 22″ in diameter and include a red bow. Orders are due back by Monday, November 29th. Wreaths will be available for pick up at the school on THURSDAY, December 2nd (please note date change) The order form can be […]

Current Travel Policy

Saint James School updated our Domestic travel policy last week, and our International travel policy was updated today. The full policy can be found on our website:  https://saintjamesschool.net/travel/