Entries by Saint James School

Open Staff Positions

Saint James School is looking to hire: 1. A part-time Algebra/Pre-Algebra teacher; and 2. An Aftercare Aide (M-F 2:00pm – 4:30pm) If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining our awesome school staff in either capacity, please reach out to Mrs. Zorger.

STEM Club (1st Grade)

STEM Club is starting up!  This first session of the new year will be held after school on Tuesday, October 12 from 2:00 – 3:00pm for students in 1st grade.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Permission Form below.  There are a limited number of spaces so students will be […]

Otis Street Apartment Complex

Please do not pull into the driveway of, or park in, the “Mansion & Coach House Estates” apartment complex on Otis Street.  This is private property and today we received a notice of complaint from residents that SJS parents are pulling into their property and/or parking there.  If you do not want to park in […]

Church Bulletin Advertising

Openings are available for any businesses looking to advertise their company (or special offers) in the Parish Bulletin.  If you wish to learn more, please reach out to Mary Hoffman at 860.836.8486 or via email at mhoffman@4LPi.com.

Arrival & Dismissal Notes

* For families using the Drop & Go line in the morning – please pull all the way up to the crosswalk (but not on the crosswalk) to let your child(ren) out.  The drop & go line is getting longer as more families become comfortable with this option.  Remember, Drop & Go also takes place […]

2nd Grade Paul Klee Inspired Art

During yesterday’s art class, SJS 2nd graders finished their lesson on artist Paul Klee (known for his “cubism” style of work). Students used watercolors, markers, and crayons to make different shades of color as also seen in Klee’s artistic style.  Great job Sabers!

Last Call: Cherrydale Fundraiser

Tomorrow – Friday, September 24th – is the last day for Cherrydale Fundraiser orders to be placed, as well as our final “Coop’s Kung Fu Adventure” ticket turn-in day. A huge thank you to everyone who participated – your support makes a difference!