Reminder: Important Notice About Next Year

Plans for Saint James School’s Centennial Celebration are kicking into high gear and we can’t wait to celebrate this exciting milestone with you during the upcoming school year.

Please carefully read the details below.  Important planning will be ongoing throughout the summer months and many helping hands will be needed in the days ahead:

*** At our Fall Festival on September 17th, each grade will be hosting an activity on our school campus.  Parent ambassadors from each grade are currently being recruited and those ambassadors may be asking for your help during the summer as well as on the date of the actual event.  Please be on the lookout for their communication.

*** Numerous volunteers will be needed the weekend of September 17th and 18th – both at the Fall Festival on the 17th and at the school’s Alumni Open House on the 18th. (Archbishop Blair will be joining us for a special Mass at Saint James Church before the Open House event that Sunday).  A sign-up sheet will be sent out over the summer.  Please save the date.

***We are on the hunt for pictures that parents, grandparents, family friends, etc. have kept from when they attended SJS (we have a lot of Alumni who now have children and/or grandchildren at the school).  Please scan and send pictures to Mrs. Fiereck (  If you need help scanning pictures Mrs. Fiereck or Mrs. Guenther can help you with that.

***We are planning some fun and unique “100 years of SJS” fundraisers next year – a special calendar, a cookbook, special Vineyard Vines ties, Christmas ornaments, and more!

***Saint James School will be participating in 100 Acts of Kindness throughout the 2022-2023 school year.  We hope you will get your family involved!

Thank you in advance for your support as we celebrate 100 years of Saint James School!