Note-to-School Notepads Available

Rushing out the door in the morning?  No paper handy to send a note into school?  The HSA has got you covered! This year the HSA is once again offering Note-to-School Notepads to help make life so much easier for you, your child’s teacher, and the office staff!  Purchase a notepad and always have a quick and easy way to send a note to school.  

 The notepads cost $5.00 each and are printed on blue paper to make notes easily visible in your child’s take-home folder.  Notepads will be for sale as long as supplies last.  You can order one (or more) by sending payment into the school office or stopping in at arrival/dismissal.  If sending in payment please indicate your child’s name and homeroom so your notepad(s) can be sent home with your child.