Hot Lunch Update

Thursday's hot lunch will be a Grilled Chicken Patty on a Whole…

Soirée Update

As a reminder, Class Basket contributions are due tomorrow -…

SJS Basketball Update

Three St James Basketball team’s advanced to State Tournament…

Father Daughter Dance - Help Wanted

The Father/Daughter Dance is quickly approaching and moms -…

St. Patrick's Day Parade

A huge THANK YOU to all our SJS parents and students who marched…

Ski Club Pictures

Ski Club members are asked to bring in their goggles or ski hat…

5th Grade Ship Day Rescheduled

The 5th Grade ship day, tentatively scheduled for tomorrow, will…

Marking Period Extended

Due to the two snow days, the marking period will be extended…

Middle School Dance

Please be advised, the next Middle School Dance will be held…

Important: Thursday Schedule

Tomorrow - Thursday, March 8th - is scheduled to be a 12:05pm…

Please Voice Your Support For Catholic Schools

Dear Catholic School Supporters: On March 8th there is public…

Soirée Spotlight

RSVPs are still being accepted through this coming Friday!! …

Book & Art Club Notice

Due to the impending weather, tomorrow afternoon's Book &…

Hats off to Reading Contest

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Mrs. Carpenter is kicking…

12:05pm Dismissal Thursday

A reminder that this Thursday is a half-day with dismissal at…

Pokemon Fun

Thank you to all the Pokemon fans who joined in the fun on Friday…

Read Across America

On Friday, Saint James School students participated in Read Across…

Soirée RSVPs Due Tomorrow

Where can you get a special dish personalized by the students…

Movie Night: Cast Your Vote

The HSA is hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, April 6. …

Pokemon Trading Card Event

There is still room in the Pokemon Trading Card on Friday, March…